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Questions tagged [nonabelian-cohomology]

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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sequences in non-abelian group cohomology

In general, if we have a (pro-)finite group $G$ and a sequence of (continuous) non-abelian $G$-modules $$1\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0,$$ such that the image of $A$ lies in the ...
Estus's user avatar
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The non-abelian Gauss-Manin connection; non-abelian M_dR; a Grothendieck lemma for cyrstals

I'm interested in understanding the non-abelian Gauss-Manin connection on Carlos Simpson's relative de Rham Moduli space $M_{dR}(X/S,n)$ for a smooth projective morphism of schemes $X/S$. The scheme $...
Max Menzies's user avatar
7 votes
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Albrecht Fröhlich's text `Groupoids, groupoid spaces and cohomology' (1965)

I am looking for Albrecht Fröhlich's unpublished text `Groupoids, groupoid spaces and cohomology' (1965). In this text Fröhlich defines cohomology of a group with coefficients in a groupoid (this was ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
5 votes
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How can one concretely approximate a homotopy type by a scheme or (higher/derived) stack?

What methods are there to approximate an arbitrary homotopy type by an algebraic-geometric object in a concrete (read: computable) way? I know this is an ambitious question, so maybe I should ...
Patrick Elliott's user avatar
3 votes
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Non-abelian group cohomology, additional information

Let $G$ be a (profinite) group, and let $M$ be a non-abelian $G$-module. We know how to construct reasonably $H^0(G,M)$ and $H^1(G,M)$ and it turns out that $H^1(G,M)$ is just a pointed set and not ...
Or Shahar's user avatar
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Connection on 3-bundle given as triplet of forms

A connection on a bundle is given locally by a Lie algebra-valued 1-form. Gauge transformations act in the usual way on the forms, and form a groupoid. A connection on a 2-bundle is given locally by ...
geodude's user avatar
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When is $B^G\backslash(B/A)^G$ finite?

Let $G$ be a locally compact group, let $A,B$ be (not necessarily abelian) connected reductive complex groups equipped with continuous actions of $G$ via algebraic automorphisms. Let $\phi:A\to B$ be ...
user449595's user avatar
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$G\cdot H$ with $G,H$ non-Abelian finite simple

Can a non-split extension of one non-Abelian finite simple group by another exist?
Daniel Sebald's user avatar