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Long exact sequence of cohomology from 2-groups

I am trying to understand the following from Principal Infinity Bundles - General by Nikolaus, Schreiber and Stevenson. So following the reference there to Nikolaus-Waldorf tells us that given any (...
Emilio Minichiello's user avatar
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How can one concretely approximate a homotopy type by a scheme or (higher/derived) stack?

What methods are there to approximate an arbitrary homotopy type by an algebraic-geometric object in a concrete (read: computable) way? I know this is an ambitious question, so maybe I should ...
Patrick Elliott's user avatar
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Connection on 3-bundle given as triplet of forms

A connection on a bundle is given locally by a Lie algebra-valued 1-form. Gauge transformations act in the usual way on the forms, and form a groupoid. A connection on a 2-bundle is given locally by ...
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