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How are the hypergeometric motives of WZ-Pairs connected?

If $\small{(F,G)}$ is a WZ-pair and general asymptotic conditions $\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\small{G(n,k)=0}$ and $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\small{F(n,k)=0}$ hold, then we have the certified ...
Jorge Zuniga's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

What would a "moral" proof of the Weil Conjectures require?

At the very end of this 2006 interview (rm), Kontsevich says "...many great theorems are originally proven but I think the proofs are not, kind of, "morally right." There should be better proofs......
bhwang's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

$\zeta(n)$ as a mixed Tate motive

I am trying to understand why there exists, for each $n \geq 2$, a mixed Tate motive $M$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ such that $M \in Ext^1_{MT(\mathbb{Q})}(\mathbb{Q}(0), \mathbb{Q}(n))$ and $\zeta(n)$, ...
mtm93's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

References for Artin motives

I find the following description of Artin motives in Wikipedia. Since these seem to be quite related to number theory, I am interested to learn more in that context. I request the experts available in ...
Anweshi's user avatar
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How does the conjectural Langlands group fit into the Tannakian point of view?

I've read that one way to formulate the Langlands program is the following: Let $\mathcal{L}_ {\mathbb{Q}}$ be the conjectural Langlands group. Then the category of semi-simple (continuous) ...
141 votes
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Grothendieck-Teichmüller conjecture

(1) In "Esquisse d'un programme", Grothendieck conjectures Grothendieck-Teichmüller conjecture: the morphism $$ G_{\mathbb{Q}} \longrightarrow Aut(\widehat{T}) $$ is an isomorphism. Here $...
AFK's user avatar
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18 votes
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Deligne's proof of Ramanujan's conjecture

I am trying to understand Deligne's proof of the Ramanujan conjecture and more generally how one associates geometric objects (ultimately, motives) to modular forms. As the first step, which I ...
Evgeny Shinder's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Which degree does a motivic Galois representation show up in?

Consider a representation $\rho: \operatorname{Gal} (\overline{\mathbb Q} | \mathbb Q ) \to GL_n ( \overline{\mathbb Q}_\ell)$ that is a subrepresentation of $H^i(X, \overline{\mathbb Q}_\ell (j))$ ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Status of Beilinson conjectures?

(I hesitate to post that question here, but I received on answer on FB:) Does anyone know how the current status of work on them is? And how the possible generalizations etc. which one thinks ...
7 votes
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Status of the conjectured vanishing of Bloch-Kato H^2

There is a folklore conjecture that $\operatorname{Ext}^2$ vanishes in the category of geometric $p$-adic Galois representations (i.e. representations that are unramified almost everywhere and de Rham ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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