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1 answer

Where does this clever choice of differential come from? (calculating $\mathrm{H}^1_{\mathrm{dR}}(E/k))$

In these notes of Kedlaya, he calculates the de Rham cohomology of an affine part $X$ of an elliptic curve $E$ over a field $K$, given by $y^2 = P(x) = x^3 + ax + b$. He uses these relations: $0 = y^...
Somatic Custard's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is the natural motivation for smooth/étale/unramified morphisms restricting from formally smooth/étale/unramified morphisms?

(I asked it first in MathStackExchange but I haven't get an answer yet) Smooth (resp. étale) morphisms are just locally finitely presented + formally smooth (resp. étale) morphisms. For unramified ...
Z Wu's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

Motivation for relative schemes: why should one work with schemes over a ringed topos?

Recently I've been trying to learn more about relative schemes. These were developed in M. Hakim's thesis Topos annelés et schémas relatifs under Grothendieck's guidance and appear in many of later ...
Emily's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

Why to believe the Fargues geometrization conjecture?

In the study of the arithmetic local Langlands correspondence, there is a conjecture that was recently (in this decade) formulated by Fargues. I can't even concisely state the conjecture so I will ...
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8 votes
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Motivating derived stacks via Euclidean geometry

Here (see Section 3) triangles in Euclidean plane are used to motivate the notion of DM stack (an equilateral triangle has more symmetries than a generic triangle). Can something similar be done to ...
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17 votes
0 answers

What are hyperkähler metrics used for?

It seems that a lot of effort has been devoted to endow holomorphic-symplectic manifolds with hyperkähler metrics. It started with Calabi [4] with $T^*\mathbb{CP}^n$. Other examples include coadjoint ...
user129123's user avatar
6 votes
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Relative cohomology in algebraic topology vs algebraic geometry

There is a notion of relative cohomology in both algebraic topology and algebraic geometry and the flexibility granted by this relative viewpoint is quite powerful in both cases. However, the two ...
Asvin's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

applications of Berkovich spaces

What are applications of the theory of Berkovich analytic spaces? The analytification $X \mapsto X^{\mathrm{an}}$
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1 vote
2 answers

How to understand a rooting of a dessin d'enfant?

As I understand it, rooted maps on surfaces were first introduced in enumerative combinatorics because they are easier to count than unrooted maps, which can have non-trivial symmetries. A map is a ...
Noam Zeilberger's user avatar
296 votes
8 answers

Philosophy behind Mochizuki's work on the ABC conjecture

Mochizuki has recently announced a proof of the ABC conjecture. It is far too early to judge its correctness, but it builds on many years of work by him. Can someone briefly explain the philosophy ...
14 votes
1 answer

Why are Galois Representations so important in Number theory ?

Dear everyone, Motivation : From the past few days, I have been reading about the Galois Representations . I was really amazed to see that every seminal idea in the theory of elliptic curves have ...
Shanmukha_Srinivasan's user avatar
65 votes
5 answers

Why tropical geometry?

Tropical geometry can be described as "algebraic geometry" over the semifield $\mathbb{T}$ of tropical numbers. As a set, $\mathbb{T}=\mathbb{R}\cup \{ -\infty\}$; this is endowed with addition being ...
44 votes
4 answers

What motivates modern algebraic geometry for a combinatorial/constructive algebraist?

This is, basically, me trying to generalize "Why should I care for sheaves and schemes?" into a reasonable question. Whether successfully, time will tell, but let me hope that if not the question, ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
35 votes
6 answers

Applications of noncommutative geometry

This is related to Anweshi's question about theories of noncommutative geometry. Let's start out by saying that I live, mostly, in a commutative universe. The only noncommutative rings I have much ...
Charles Siegel's user avatar
66 votes
4 answers

Is there a good way to think of vanishing cycles and nearby cycles?

Once in a while I run into literature that invokes vanishing cycle machinery with a cryptic sentence like, "this follows from a standard vanishing cycle argument." Is there a good way to look at ...
S. Carnahan's user avatar
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