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Sets of finite perimeter: intersection with an half space

I have a question regarding sets of finite perimeter. In particular I'm interested to find $$\mu_{E \cap H_t}, \label{1}\tag{1}$$ where $E$ is a set of finite perimeter in a generic open set $\Omega \...
ty88's user avatar
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Derivative of distance function to a closed, rectifiable set

Let $\Gamma \subset \mathbf{R}^d$ be a closed, countably $n$-rectifiable set. Is there any reasonable way to write the derivatives $$ \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} \mathrm{dist}\, (x,\Gamma) $$ for $x ...
SBK's user avatar
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Invariance under diffeomorphisms of the Hajlasz-Sobolev spaces

In this post it was shown that if $\Omega$ and $\Omega'$ are diffeomorphic non-empty open domains in some Euclidean space then the corresponding local Sobolev spaces are diffeomorphic with ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Density character of a metric space is an Ulam number

I am reading this paper and I came across the following sentence: Throughout the paper we silently assume [...] that the density character (i.e. the minimum cardinality of a dense subset) of ...
Romeo's user avatar
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Lebesgue density theorem for "doubling uniformly covering collections of subsets"

I am looking for a version of Lebesgue density theorem that works when restricting to "good" collections of balls with respect to (not necessarily doubling) metric measure spaces. Specifically Let $(...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Doubling metrics, doubling measures, Lebesgue density

As stated in this question, Lebesgue differentiation theorem holds on locally doubling space? and proved here, the Lebesgue differentiation theorem (...
Aryeh Kontorovich's user avatar
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A kaleidoscopic coloring of the plane

Problem. Is there a partition $\mathbb R^2=A\sqcup B$ of the Euclidean plane into two Lebesgue measurable sets such that for any disk $D$ of the unit radius we get $\lambda(A\cap D)=\lambda(B\cap D)=\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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23 votes
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Best Hölder exponents of surjective maps from the unit square to the unit cube

The Peano's square-filling curve $p:I\to I^2$ turn's out to be Hölder continuous with exponent $1/2$ on the unit interval $I$ (a quick way to see it, is to note that $p$ is a fixed point of a ...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Approximation of a Sobolev function that has vanishing trace on the reduced boundary of a Caccioppoli (i.e. finite perimeter) set

For $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N$ open and bounded, let $W^{1,p}(\Omega)$ denote the usual Sobolev space of $L^p(\Omega)$ functions with weak partial derivatives in $L^p(\Omega)$ and $W_0^{1,p}(\Omega)$ ...
Elgrimm's user avatar
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