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8 votes
3 answers

Explain seemingly non-random figures which arise from random Poisson points with normalization

Context Working with some biological datasets it was puzzling to see the patterns like Figure 2 (right) below. The first feeling was, that it corresponds to some biological effects like correlations ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Differential geometry applied to biology

This was originally a question posted here on MathSE. But I'll ask again here to see if I can get some different answers. I'm looking for current areas of research which apply techniques from ...
Argent's user avatar
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29 votes
20 answers

Mathematics and cancer research

What are applications of mathematics in cancer research? Unfortunately, I heard quite little about applications of mathematics, but I heard something about applications of physics, and let me put this ...
40 votes
17 answers

Interesting mathematical topics arising from biology

I've heard that there's a relatively new field of science called mathematical biology. It will certainly apply well known and less known mathematical techniques to the understanding of some biological ...