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Question about linear algebra in Benson's book: intersections of images or sum of kernels

I am not sure if this question is suitable in here. I asked this question in Mathematics some days ago. The following proposition is in Benson's book “Representation theory of elementary abelian ...
Jian's user avatar
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Intersection of Springer fibre and Schubert cell

Let us consider intersections of Springer fibres and Schubert cells in type A. Let $ Y : \mathbb C^n \rightarrow \mathbb C^n $ be a nilpotent operator. Let $$ F_Y = \{ V_0 = 0 \subset V_1 \subset \...
Joel Kamnitzer's user avatar
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When are two subvarieties of matrices conjugate?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two subvarieties of $n\times n$ matrices. My question is that is there any condition to guarantee that there exits some matrix $g$ such that $Y=g^{-1} X g$? If such $g$ exists, then ...
kennyyeke's user avatar
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Dimension of the span of all partial derivatives of a given homogeneous symmetric polynomial $f$ and the polynomial $E(f)$

I need some help about the problem below. Let $d\geq 4$ and $f$ a symmetric polynomial, homogeneous of degree $d$, in $n$ variables $x_1,\dots,x_n$, with real coefficients. We set $$ E(f):=\sum_{j=1}^{...
Hector Blandin's user avatar
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Orbits of tensor product $\operatorname{St}_2\otimes\operatorname{Sym}^2(\mathbb C ^3)$

Let $G_1=\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb C)$ act on $V_1=\mathbb C^2$ via the standard multiplication. Denote this representation by $\operatorname{St}_2$. Let $G_2=\operatorname{SL}_3(\mathbb C^3)$ act ...
Q-Zh's user avatar
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Map $\operatorname{Sym}^{mp}(V^*) \longrightarrow K^{q}$ defined by $q$ points in $\operatorname{Sym}^p(V)$

EDIT : I have edited the question and made it more specific with respect to the kind of answer I expect. Let $V$ be a finite dimensional $K$-vector space and let $x_1, \dotsc, x_q \in V$ be $q$ points,...
Libli's user avatar
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$k$ structures on $K$ vector spaces

The following statement is made in Borel's Linear Algebraic groups, section 11 on $k$ structures. Let $V$ and $W$ be $K$ vector spaces with $k$ structures. If $f:V\to W$ is $K$ linear, then $f$ is ...
Rex's user avatar
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Grothendieck schemes and the Sheffer differential op calculus (Rota, Roman, et al. finite operator calculus)

In "Left differential operators on non-commutative algebras" on p. 4, Michiel Hazewinkel displays "precisely the right definition of differential operator" as $$D\; X^n = F(\tfrac{...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Deligne-Simpson problem for classical groups

Additive Deligne-Simpson problem was partially prooved by Kostov. Also there is Crawley-Boevey's approach to the question. The problem is about existence of a solution of the equation $$ A_1 +...+A_n =...
quantum's user avatar
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Cluster algebra structure on the coordinate ring of $Mat_3$

Let $Mat_3$ be the set of all 3 by 3 matrices. I have some questions on the cluster algebra structure on the coordinate ring of $Mat_3$. We use $\Delta_{j_1\ldots j_n}^{i_1\ldots i_n}$ to denote the ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Representation of symmetric group as Cremona transformations

Question from me and a colleague: Given a matrix \begin{equation} U = \begin{bmatrix} U_{11} & U_{12} \\ U_{21} & U_{22} \end{bmatrix} \quad \text{with } U_{22} \neq 0, \end{equation} ...
Gary Kennedy's user avatar
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Simultaneous similarity of pair of matrices

Let $k$ be an arbitrary field, and $A,B,A',B'\in M_n(k)$. Do we have any algorithm with polynomial complexity to determine the simultaneous similarity of the pair $(A,B)$ with $(A',B')$? I found the ...
TH Wang's user avatar
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Transformations of the cubic forms [closed]

Is there a way to understand whether there exist linear transformation that brings one cubic form of n variables to another form? In particular one of the examples I am interested in are two cubic ...
Anton Nedelin's user avatar