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Intersection of Springer fibre and Schubert cell

Let us consider intersections of Springer fibres and Schubert cells in type A. Let $ Y : \mathbb C^n \rightarrow \mathbb C^n $ be a nilpotent operator. Let $$ F_Y = \{ V_0 = 0 \subset V_1 \subset \...
Joel Kamnitzer's user avatar
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Map $\operatorname{Sym}^{mp}(V^*) \longrightarrow K^{q}$ defined by $q$ points in $\operatorname{Sym}^p(V)$

EDIT : I have edited the question and made it more specific with respect to the kind of answer I expect. Let $V$ be a finite dimensional $K$-vector space and let $x_1, \dotsc, x_q \in V$ be $q$ points,...
Libli's user avatar
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Grothendieck schemes and the Sheffer differential op calculus (Rota, Roman, et al. finite operator calculus)

In "Left differential operators on non-commutative algebras" on p. 4, Michiel Hazewinkel displays "precisely the right definition of differential operator" as $$D\; X^n = F(\tfrac{...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Deligne-Simpson problem for classical groups

Additive Deligne-Simpson problem was partially prooved by Kostov. Also there is Crawley-Boevey's approach to the question. The problem is about existence of a solution of the equation $$ A_1 +...+A_n =...
quantum's user avatar
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