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Line bundles with meromorphic transition functions

I have the following situation: let $X$ be a projective complex manifold and let $f \in H^1(X,\mathcal{M}^{\times})$. So $f$ defines something like a line bundle with meromorphic transition functions. ...
KuSi's user avatar
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Modern treatment of Dirac monopoles and related topics

I know that the topic is classical and even "folklore", but many treatments make use of local coordinates and such treatments are rather messy. Could somewhere maybe provide some reference(s)...
Malkoun's user avatar
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Riemannian vector bundle [closed]

I'm trying to show the curvature of a one dimensional vector bundle with a Riemannian metric vanishes, no matter what the connection is. I found this can be done for orientable bundles, because an ...
chan's user avatar
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Classification of square roots of line bundles and metalinear/metaplectic structures

Reading some books and articles about geometric quantization I got confused about the classification of square roots of complex line bundles over a manifold. Consider the group of isomorphism classes ...
GabrieleBenedetti's user avatar
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Differential refinement of homology

Differential cohomology is a refinement of ordinary cohomology by differential data. It's construction comes down to the observation that $H^2(M, \mathbb{Z})$ is isomorphic to the space of isomorphism ...
Tobias Diez's user avatar
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Existence of a connection $A$ on a holomorphic line bundle $L$, s.t $F(A)=(\deg L)\omega$

I'm reading this paper and at page 67, he states that for any line bundle $L$ over a Rieman surface there is a connection $A$ whose curvature is $$ F(A)=(\deg L)\omega, $$ where $\omega$ is a positive ...
Leonardo Schultz's user avatar
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Isomorphism classes of line bundles with connections

Isomorphism classes of line bundles over a scheme $X$ are described by the Picard group $Pic(X)$. Now there is a paper that describes the moduli space of line bundles with connections. This paper is ...
Marion's user avatar
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Hermitic connections on complex line bundles with imaginary curvature form

It is a simple fact that if $L \to B$ is a complex line bundle endowed with an Hermitian product and a compatible connection $\nabla$, then the curvature $F_\nabla$ is imaginary (and so are the local ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Holomorphic Line Bundles over a Homogeneous Space

Let $M=G/H$ be (compact) homogeneous complex manifold, and let $L$ be a line bundle over $M$. Can one always equip $L$ with a holomorphic structure? Can there be more then one such holomorphic ...
Christian Fischmann's user avatar
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An isomorphism on space of smooth sections

Let $M$ be a smooth complex manifold and $L$ be a complex line bundle over $M$. Let $\Gamma(M,L)$ be the space of smooth sections. Why $\Gamma(M,L)$ is it isomorphic to $$A=\{f:L^{\times}\to \mathbb{...
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Isomorphism of connections on a complex line bundle

Reading an article I faced with the following theorem, please give me a reference to a proof of the fact which is stated without any reference in the article. Is it a well-known fact? Theorem. Let $E ...
Appliqué's user avatar
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Uniqueness on square root of complex Line Bundle

Let $L$ be a line bundle over a compex manifold $X$, a square-root of $L$ is a line bundle $M$ such that $M^{\otimes2}=L$. My question is when the square-root of Line Bundle is unique?
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Non-compact Kähler manifolds which admit a positive line bundle

A complex manifold which admits a positive line bundle is automatically Kähler. Furthermore, if the manifold is compact, then it is projective by the Kodaira Embedding Theorem. In particular, not ...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
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Is there a mathematical explanation for the Aharonov-Casher effect?

Recall that the Aharonov-Bohm effect can be interpreted mathematically as follows. Consider an electromagnetic field A on some smooth manifold M, i.e., A is an element in the first differential ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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Line bundles with complex connection

Suppose that we have a complex manifold $X$, and a line bundle $L$ over $X$. It is known that the line bundles over $X$ are parametrized by their Chern class, the Chern class being the cohomology ...
Blake's user avatar
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Are bundle gerbes bundles of algebras?

The category of line bundles (possibly with connection) on a smooth manifold M can be defined in two different ways: The first definition uses transition functions that satisfy a cocycle condition (...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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Pulling back a line bundle on the Jacobian to a spin bundle on the curve

I'd like to have an expression for the (or some) line bundle on the Jacobian $J$ of a smooth complex projective curve $C$ with genus $g >1$ which pulls back to a chosen spin bundle (theta ...
aaron gerding's user avatar
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Indexing the line bundles over a Grassmannian.

As is well known, the line bundles over *CP*$^1$ are indexed by the integers. My question is how are the line bundles over *CP*$^n$, $n > 1$, and *Gr*$(n,k)$ indexed? Moreover, do there exist any ...
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