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3 votes
1 answer

Existence of a bounded measurable subset of $\text{SL}(d,\mathbb R)$ that is Borel isomorphic to $\text{SL}(d,\mathbb R)/\text{SL}(d,\mathbb Z)$?

$\text{SL}(d,\mathbb R)/\text{SL}(d,\mathbb Z)$ has two interesting properties: on one hand it is non-compact, but on the other hand it admits a unique $\text{SL}(d,\mathbb R)$-invariant finite ...
5 votes
2 answers

Malcev's paper "On a class of homogeneous spaces" in English

I am struggling to find the English translation of Malcev's paper "On a class of homogenous spaces" providing foundational material for nil-manifolds. To be precise this paper: Malcev, A. I. On a ...
5 votes
1 answer

Volume of balls in homogeneous manifolds

Let $X=G/H$ be a homogeneous manifold, where $G$ and $H$ are connected Lie groups and assume there is given a $G$-invariant Riemannian metric on $X$. Let $B(R)$ be the closed ball of radius $R>0$ ...
13 votes
3 answers

Has dynamics on $G/\Gamma$ ever been used to prove interesting things about $\Gamma$?

Fix a Lie group $G$ and a discrete subgroup $\Gamma \subset G$. Homogeneous dynamics is about studying the actions of subgroups $H \subset G$ on the quotient $G/\Gamma$. Does anyone know of an ...
1 vote
0 answers

A section over an orbit space

Let $G$ be a compact second countable Hausdorff group, and let $X=G/H$ be a homogeneous space with $H\subset G$ a closed subgroup. Let further $K\subset G$ be another closed subgroup. Questions: ...