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Questions tagged [lambda-calculus]

For questions on the formal system in mathematical logic for expressing effective functions, programs and computation, and proofs, using abstract notions of functions and combining them through binding and substitution.

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5 votes
0 answers

Proper full submodels of full models of type theory

Let $N$ be the standard full model of the simply typed lambda calculus with infinite base type $o$ and let $X$ be an infinite and coinfinite subset of $N(o)$. I want to know if there's a full ...
11 votes
1 answer

Why did Alonzo Church choose the letter $\lambda$ as the "binding operator"?

Is there any known reason why Alonzo Church chose Greek $\lambda$ as the "binding operator" for the Lambda Calculus?
3 votes
0 answers

Understanding Strong Normalization for Identity Types in Martin-Löf Intensional Type Theory [closed]

Roughly, the strong normalization property for Martin-Löf Intensional Type Theory (MITT) tells us that every closed term $t$ of type $M$ will eventually reach a canonical normal form $t’$ such that it ...
14 votes
1 answer

Why the reflection rule trivializes higher paths in Martin-Löf Extensional Type theory?

Martin-Löf Extensional Type theory differs from its intensional counterpart in that it contains the so-called reflection rule that says that if $p : x = y$, then actually $x \equiv y$ (i.e. $x$ and $y$...
8 votes
3 answers

Models of intuitionistic linear logic that reflect the resource interpretation

I am interested in models of intuitionistic linear logic, that is, the logic that you get if you take classical linear logic and restrict the set of operators to $\otimes$, $1$, $\multimap$, $\times$, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is there an easy decision algorithm for the inhabitation problem for simple types?

Consider the basic system of simple types usually known as $TA_\lambda$. One can prove that (as a consequence of the Subject Reduction Property and the fact that any typable term is strongly $\beta$-...
3 votes
2 answers

Comparing really big numbers

Is there an intractability theorem that says that in any sufficiently rich system for defining really big numbers, there will be two numbers for which it's very, very, ... very difficult to decide ...
1 vote
0 answers

Optimal reduction using token-passing nets

I am looking for implementation of optimal reduction for λ-calculus based on interaction nets (McCarthy's amb allowed) in the spirit of "Token-Passing Nets: Call-by-Need for Free" by François-Régis ...
6 votes
1 answer

On an automatic translation of typed lambda calculus in untyped lambda calculus

I have a question regarding the "compilation" of typed lambda calculus in untyped lambda calculus. Take for example the inductive definition of lists, with introduction rules: and: We can ...
6 votes
1 answer

Explanation of the definition of Saturated Sets in Lambda Calculus

I have a question on the definition of Saturated Sets, as particular subset of the set of strongly normalizing terms in lambda calculus. Here is the definition: a set $S$ of strongly normalizing $\...
16 votes
7 answers

What is lambda calculus related to?

So I'm not much of a math guy but I've really enjoyed programming in Lisp and have become interested in the ideas of lambda calculus which it is based. I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion ...
17 votes
3 answers

What is the history of the Y-combinator?

Inspired by the comments to this question, I wonder if someone can explain the history of the fixed point combinator (often called the Y combinator) in lambda calculus. Where did it first appear? ...
8 votes
0 answers

Is there a notion analogous to separability but requiring definable rather than countable sets?

Among models of $\lambda$-calculus, some like the Bohm tree model have the property that every element is a directed sup of definable elements, whereas others like the $D_\infty$ and $P(\omega)$ ...
2 votes
2 answers

Background for Kierstead terms

I was looking at some slides of John Longley's here, where he mentions "the Kierstead functional" $$\lambda f.f(\lambda x.f(\lambda y.x)) \ ,$$ (where $f$ should be of type $2$, and $x,y$ of ground ...
1 vote
1 answer

combinator SSS(SS)SS is not strongly normalizing. Why?

I highly speculate that combinator SSS(SS)SS is not strongly normalizing. What is the argument for the non strong normalization?
18 votes
3 answers

Example of a space for which $V \cong Hom(V,V)$

Let $V$ be a topological linear space, and let $\operatorname{Hom}(V,V)$ be the space of continuous linear maps from $V$ back to $V$, equipped with a suitable topology. Is there a non-trivial ...
4 votes
1 answer

internal language for the 2-category of small categories

What is the internal language of the category Cat of small categories? I found an article by Glynn Winskel and his student Mario Jose Cáccamo about such calculus! However it is limited to a fragment ...
1 vote
1 answer

Interaction-based approximation for HP-complete λ-theory?

We are looking for a proof or counter-examples for the following hypothesis. Two combinators $M$ and $N$ are solvable and equivalent in the HP-complete sensible $\lambda$-theory iff either $$ \exists ...
1 vote
1 answer

Hypothesis: interaction-based model for λKβη

We are looking for a proof or counter-examples to the following Hypothesis. In interaction calculus $\langle \varnothing\ |\ \Gamma(M, x) \cup \Gamma(N, x)\rangle \downarrow \langle \varnothing\ |\ ...
24 votes
6 answers

Difference between a 'calculus' and an 'algebra'

What is really the conceptual difference between a calculus and an algebra. Eg. Is SKI combinator calculus really a calculus? A friend claims that free variables are fundamental for a calculus, and ...
1 vote
0 answers

Schönhage's SMM with only one instruction

It is possible to implement $\lambda$-calculus in Schönhage's storage modification machine using an infinite set of nodes and one single program consisted exclusively of (about hundred) instructions ...
3 votes
2 answers

Turing-complete primitive blind automata

Let $N$ be the set of natural numbers, $S$ be the set of finite binary sequences, and $Q = [N \rightarrow N] \times [N \rightarrow N],$ where $[N \rightarrow N]$ is the set of all computable ...
2 votes
1 answer

Universality of blind graph rewriting

Let us consider $S(M) = \{(f_0, f_1) | f_0, f_1: M \rightarrow M\}$, where $M$ is a finite set. Each element of $S(M)$ is equivalent to a finite directed graph with the set of nodes $M$, which has ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to implement η-reduction in interaction nets?

There are several ways to encode λ-terms in interaction nets; for instance, using the original optimal algorithm by Lamping, or compiling λ-calculus into interaction combinators. However, all the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Algebraic structure generated by primitive graph operations

Let $M$ be a finite set, and $S(M) = \{(f_0, f_1) | f_0, f_1: M → M\}$. Each element of $S(M)$ can be considered as a finite directed graph with the set of nodes $M$, which has exactly two arrows ...
3 votes
5 answers

Theory mainly concerned with $\lambda$-calculus?

Automata theory is mainly concerned with Turing machines and all its relatives-in-spirit. $\lambda$-calculus is rather rarely mentioned in textbooks on automata theory. What's the common name of the ...
4 votes
0 answers

Difference between lambda-calculus with well-formed formulas vs properly-formed formulas

In S.C. Kleene's 1935 paper "$\lambda$-definability and recursiveness," he proves that all $\lambda$-definable functions are general recursive in the Herbrand-Godel sense and vice-versa. However, the ...
7 votes
4 answers

What is the intuitive meaning of star and box in a pure type system?

The systems of the λ-cube have the axiom $\star:\square$. I've listed a few meanings that the Curry-Howard isomorphism gives to $t : T$ below. What are the intuitive meanings of $\star$ and $\...
7 votes
1 answer

Are innermost reductions perpetual in untyped $\lambda$-calculus?

Background In the untyped lambda calculus, a term may contain many redexes, and different choices about which one to reduce may produce wildly different results (e.g. $(\lambda x.y)((\lambda x.xx)\...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it correct to state that basic primitive recursive functions are in fact combinators?

Is it correct saying that the Zero, Successor and Projection functions can be seen as combinators?
11 votes
4 answers

Can dependent sums be encoded as dependent products?

Please forgive any unorthodox notation or obvious errors here... I'm trying to get an intuition for dependently typed languages, so I'm starting out by seeing which analogies I can take from the ...
12 votes
3 answers

Is functional programming a branch of mathematics?

In Theory mainly concerned with lambda-calculus?, F. G. Dorais wrote, of the idea that the lambda-calulus defines a domain of mathematics: That would never stick unless there's another good reason. ...