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Questions tagged [lambda-calculus]

For questions on the formal system in mathematical logic for expressing effective functions, programs and computation, and proofs, using abstract notions of functions and combining them through binding and substitution.

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24 votes
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What's the smallest $\lambda$-calculus term not known to have a normal form?

For Turing Machines, the question of halting behavior of small TMs has been well studied in the context of the Busy Beaver function, which maps n to the longest output or running time of any halting n ...
John Tromp's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the history of the Y-combinator?

Inspired by the comments to this question, I wonder if someone can explain the history of the fixed point combinator (often called the Y combinator) in lambda calculus. Where did it first appear? ...
Dan Ramras's user avatar
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2 answers

Scott on the consistency of the lambda calculus

I have twice heard it attributed to Dana Scott that he said something to the effect that the consistency of the lambda-calculus was an accident. Does anyone have a reasonable-sounding source for this?...
Charles Stewart's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is every total computable function definable by a normalizing lambda term?

$\newcommand{\nat}{\mathbb{N}}$ $\newcommand{\then}{\ \Longrightarrow\ }$ A partial function $f : \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$ is said to be $\lambda$-definable if there is a term $F \in \Lambda$ such ...
Andrew Polonsky's user avatar