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Can a closed disc in the plane be partitioned into three disjoint sets which are pair-wise isometric?

Any progress on the following: Can a closed disc in the plane be partitioned into three disjoint sets which are pair-wise isometric, i.e. each set is an image of the others under an isometry?
James Currie's user avatar
7 votes
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Homometric $\Rightarrow$ isometric?

Suppose you know that there is a mapping between two Riemmanian manifolds $M_1$ and $M_2$ such that, for each $x_1 \in M_1$, the (codimension-1) measure of the set of points at distance $d$ from $x_1$ ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
4 votes
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Proximal isometries in CAT($-1$) metric space

Let $X$ be a rank $1$ symmetric space of non-compact type and $G$ its isometry group. $G$ is a semisimple linear algebraic Lie group of non-compact type with trivial center. Let $\rho$ be a ...
user470881's user avatar
3 votes
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Isometric embeddings of $c_0$ into metric spaces

Are there any nice and useful criteria or theorems which assert when a given metric space $M$ contains an isometric (not necessarily linear) copy of the Banach space $c_0$ or its unit ball $B_{c_0}$? (...
Damian Sobota's user avatar
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Every partial isometry extends

I am interested in metric spaces $X$ where every isometry between two subsets of the space extends to a full isometry $X \to X$. Is there a name for this kind of space? Is there some paper which ...
James's user avatar
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Does there exist an isometry between a regular polygon and a circle?

In order to define the question in a meaningful fashion, I am referring to a smooth manifold $\mathcal{M}$ within an $\epsilon$-neighborhood of a regular polygon $\mathcal{P}$ satisfying $$\max\{\|x-p\...
Talmsmen's user avatar
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Finding the infimum using a piecewise isometry

Given a finite set of unit circles in the plane such that the area of their union $U$ is $S$, what is the largest possible bound $kS$ for some constant $k$ such that there exists a subset of mutually ...
user19405892's user avatar