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Is OEIS A007018 really a subsequence of squarefree numbers?

A comment in A007018 a(n) = a(n-1)^2 + a(n-1), a(0)=1 claims Subsequence of squarefree numbers (A005117). - Reinhard Zumkeller, Nov 15 2004 Is that really so? As far as I know, it is an open ...
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Is the Collatz conjecture known to be true for interesting unbounded classes of numbers?

The Collatz or the $3n+1$ conjecture is open. Is there a specific polynomial $f(x)\in\mathbb Z[x]$ whose range is unbounded for which every integer of form $|f(m)|$ at $m\in\mathbb Z$ satisfies $3n+1$...
Turbo's user avatar
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6 votes
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Conjectured Somos-like closed form of recurrences with polynomial coefficients

From Our short paper For polynomial $F$ with integer coefficients, define the recurrence $f(n)=F(n,f(n-1),f(n-2),...,f(n-d))$. We conjecture that $f(n)$ satisfy Somos like sequence $f(n)=\frac{G(f(n-1)...
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Polynomials, $3^x$ and the Collatz conjecture

$\DeclareMathOperator\Orb{Orb}\newcommand\abs[1]{\lvert#1\rvert}$The Collatz or the $3n+1$ conjecture is open. Are there non-trivial polynomials $f(x)\in\mathbb Z[x]$ and $g(x)\in\mathbb R[x]$ having ...
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