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Graphs with graphic imbalance sequences

Let $G$ be simple undirected graph and $e=uv\in E(G)$. The imbalance of the edge $e$ is the value $imb(e)=|d(u)-d(v)|$. Let $M_{G}$ denotes the imbalance sequence (or more correctly, multiset of ...
Sergiy Kozerenko's user avatar
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Chess pieces metrics in higher dimensions

A couple of days ago, I was thinking about applying the knight (the well-known piece of chess) metric to any cubic lattice $\mathbb{N}^k$, $k \in \mathbb{N}-\{0,1\}$. I suddenly realized that, from $k ...
Marco Ripà's user avatar
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Regular graphs with unimodal subdegrees that are not distance-regular

Distance regular graphs are known to exhibit the following property: starting from an arbitrary vertex $\alpha$, let $k_i$ denote the number of vertices at distance $i$ from $\alpha$ (in terms of ...
Anthony Labarre's user avatar