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Algorithm that solves every Mixed Integer Linear Program (to optimality)?

Given a Mixed Integer Linear Program with rational coefficients (both for the objective functions and all constraints), is it always possible to solve it algorithmically? I know that you usually ...
J Fabian Meier's user avatar
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Under what conditions does an Integer Programming problem run in polynomial time?

Given $AX\leq B$ where $A\in\Bbb Z^{m\times n}$,$B\in\Bbb Z^m$ finding $X\in\Bbb Z^n$ where $m\geq n$ is the integer programming problem. If $A$ is totally unimodular then the problem is solvable in ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Questions in number theory related to $NC$ and $P$-completeness

Given $a,b\in\mathbb N$ find $\operatorname{GCD}(a,b)$. Given $a,b,c\in\mathbb N$ find $x,y\in\mathbb Z$ such that $ax+by=c$. Euclidean algorithm solves both. My question is if either 1 or 2 is in ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Matching a binary matrix

Given a MxN 0-1 matrix D, with the property that both M and N are odd numbers its row sums and column sums in the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ field are all equal to the same number (0 or 1). How do we find M ...
Chong Luo's user avatar
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Domination in Nice Lattices

Let an integer vector be nice when it has only two nonzero components, which sum to zero. So (0, 0, 3, 0, -3) and (-1, 0, 1, 0, 0) are examples of nice vectors in $n=5$ dimensions. Call a lattice ...
Dave Pritchard's user avatar
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Separation of Anti-Hole Inequality

Given an undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ with no loops or multiple edges, a stable set is a set of vertices for which no two vertices are adjacent. An induced subgraph $H$ of $G$ is called an odd-antihole ...
Fran's user avatar
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Lot sizing problem: how to add these cuts efficiently

Consider the set of constraints of the uncapacitated lot sizing problem: $$ \{(x,s,y)\in \mathbb{R}^n_+ \times \mathbb{R}^n_+ \times \mathbb{B}^n \;|\;s_{t-1}+x_t = d_t+s_t,\; x_t \le My_t,\; t=1,\...
Kuifje's user avatar
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Beating Kadane's Algorithm

I am seeking some reference on already existing work for the following problem. Given an $n$-dimensional square matrix $A=DP$ where $D$ is a diagonal and $P$ is a permutation matrix (think of Gaussian ...
Predrag Punosevac's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

On special type polynomial inequalities over integers

A special monomial is a monomial of the form $C\cdot x_{i_1} \cdot \ldots \cdot x_{i_n}$, where C is an integer and no variable is repeated more than once in the monomial. For instance, $x\cdot y\cdot ...
Bakh's user avatar
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Combinatorial optimization problem involving infinite spin system

In material science research, I am developing an algorithm to solve an infinite combinatorial optimization problem which I believe is the most natural problem when the system size goes to infinity. ...
user40780's user avatar
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Finding integer points inside of a parallelogram

Suppose $P = \{p_1,\ldots,p_4\} \in \mathbb{R}^2$ defines a quadrilateral (here, specifically, a parallelogram). In the particular case I'm dealing with, I know that there exists at least one point ...
Eric Tressler's user avatar
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Why cannot we adapt Barvinok type counting techniques to general convex integer programs?

Decision problems in Integer Linear Programming have Lenstra type algorithms ( have been generalized to convex integer program ...
Turbo's user avatar
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1 vote
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Multiple disjoint subset sum problem

Given two sets of nonnegative integer numbers: $X = {x_1, x_2, ... x_n}$ $Y = {y_1, y_2, ... y_m}$ Need to find partition of $X$ on $m$ disjoint subsets, such as sum of elements in $i$-th subset ...
Wisdom's Wind's user avatar
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Knapsack problem with capacity constraint

The traditional knapsack problem is that: given a sequence of $i$ items with positive weights $w_1,w_2,...,w_i$, positive values $v_1,v_2,...,v_i$, and a bag with capacity $B$, we want to insert items ...
Rise of Kingdom's user avatar
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Is this variant of knapsack problem strongly NP-hard?

Suppose we have a sequence of containers each of which contains multiple items. Each item $I_i$ is associated with an nonnegative weight $w_i$, a nonnegative value $v_i$, and $I_i(C)$ denotes the ID ...
Rise of Kingdom's user avatar
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Maximum subset of set of Integers with minimum distance

Hi, i have a set of integers for example: {0,1,3,100,102} and i am looking for a maximum subset in which all elements have a minimum distance to all elements (or the "next" doesnt matter i guess) for ...
Nick Russler's user avatar
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Algorithm to find a number B with same modulus as A with prime P and specific binary positions set to zero

Given a prime $P$, an integer $A$ $(0\leq A<P$), and a set of legal positions (encoded as a binary mask $\text{mask}$), is there an efficient algorithm to find a number $B$ that has the same ...
bang's user avatar
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How to solve MILP problem on several linear subspaces

I have a set of close mixed-integer programming problems. More exactly, all the problems share the same set of (binary and continuous) variables, the same set of linear inequality constraints, and the ...
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