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Conjectures in the representation theory of the symmetric group

Question: What are current open conjectures about the representation theory of the symmetric group? I am interested mostly in the characteristic 0 case, but conjectures for the modular case can also ...
Mare's user avatar
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Computing the induced homomorphisms of derived functors using acyclic resolutions

Let's suppose that $F\colon \mathcal A\to \mathcal B$ is a right exact additive functor between abelian categories such that $\mathcal A$ has enough projectives. Standard references shows that if $Q_\...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Uniqueness of indecomposable decomposition (Krull–Schmidt) for finitely generated modules over commutative Noetherian standard graded rings

Let $R_0=\mathbb C$ and $R=\bigoplus_{i\geq 0} R_i$ be a commutative Noetherian graded ring such that the grading is standard, i.e., $R=R_0[R_1]$. Let $M$ be a finitely generated $R$-module. Evidently,...
uno's user avatar
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Homological conjectures for finite dimensional commutative algebras

$\DeclareMathOperator\Ext{Ext}\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$>Question: What are some (open) homological conjectures that are also relevent for finite dimensional commutative algebras over a field $...
Mare's user avatar
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$\Omega$ for noetherian semiperfect rings

Let $A$ be a a two-sided noetherian semiperfect ring and assume that the injective dimension of the left and right regular modules are equal to $n \geq 1$. Let $\Omega^n(mod A)$ be the category of $n$-...
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Construction of a certain long exact sequence

Let $A$ be a noetherian ring (not necessarily commutative) or for simplicity even a finite dimensional algebra over a field. Let $X$ and $U$ be finitely generated $A$-modules and let $add(U)$ be the ...
Mare's user avatar
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Representation finite Hopf algebras up to stable equivalence

It is well known that every representation-finite group algebra $KG$ is stable equivalent to a symmetric Nakayama algebra. Question: Is it true that every representation-finite Hopf algebra is stable ...
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5 votes
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Finite lattices that are Koszul

Let $L$ be a finite lattice and $A=KL$ the incidence algebra of $L$. It should be true that $L$ is modular if and only if the algebra $KL$ is quadratic (since being modular is equivalent to having no ...
Mare's user avatar
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Rigid modules for hereditary algebras

Let $A=KQ$ be a path algebra of a connected quiver. (K algebraically closed if it helps) Question: Is there an explicit classification of all indecomposable $A$-modules $M$ that are rigid, that is $...
Mare's user avatar
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Quiver and relations for ADE singularities in dimension one

Let $A$ be an ADE-hypersurface singularity in dimension one. For example in Dynkin type $A_n$, A is given by $K[[x,y]]/(x^2+y^{n+1})$. Then $A$ is CM-finite and let $M$ be the direct sum of all ...
Mare's user avatar
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4 votes
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Relation of the first Hochschild cohomology and the outer automorphism group

Let $R$ be a ring. Qeustion: Is it true that the first Hochschild cohomology of $R$ is zero if and only if the outer automorphism group of $R$ is finite? (It is not true, by the two answers. Is it ...
Mare's user avatar
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What is a Serre-smooth algebra?

Let $A$ be an $R$-algebra. In the book "Noncommutative Geometry and Cayley-smooth Orders" by Le Bruyn one can find the notion of "Serre-smooth" in the introduction. But no formal ...
Mare's user avatar
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When does a stable endomorphism ring have injective dimension at most one?

tLet $A$ be a Frobenius algebra (we can assume that $A$ is given by quiver and relations) and let $M$ be a basic $A$-module without projective direct summands (we can assume we know the decomposition ...
Mare's user avatar
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Which Auslander algebras satisfy $Ext_B^1(D(B),B)=0$?

Let $B$ be the Auslander algebra of a representation-finite algebra $A$. Question: When do we have $Ext_B^1(D(B),B)=0$? Can this be expressed in terms of nice properties of $A$? This is for example ...
Mare's user avatar
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10 votes
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Rings where all indecomposable projective modules are finitely generated

Let $X$ be the class of (unital, associative and not necessarily commutative) rings $R$ where every indecomposable projective $R$-module is finitely generated. Question 1: Is there a nice equivalent ...
Mare's user avatar
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A practical way to check whether a module is periodic

A module $M$ over a finite dimensional selfinjective algebra $A$ over a field $K$ is called periodic if $M \cong \Omega^n(M)$ for some $n \geq 1$. We assume here that $M$ is simple and that A is a ...
Mare's user avatar
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Endomorphism ring of trivial source modules for abelian p-groups

Bernhard Böhmler  (who is also on MO) and myself had the following idea: Let $G$ be a finite group and $k$ a field of characteristic $p$ (algebraically closed when it is needed) such that $p$ divides ...
Mare's user avatar
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Questions on piecewise hereditary algebras

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional quiver algebra over a field $k$ that is quasi-tilted and representation-finite (this implies that $A$ is a tilted algebra). Assume that the Coxeter polynomial of $A$ is ...
Mare's user avatar
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Generalising the union-closed sets conjecture from lattice to a larger class of posets

(edit: I decided to simplify the question and only pose it for bounded posets first) The Union-closed sets conjecture is equivalent for lattices P to: There exists a join-irreducible element $a$ with ...
Mare's user avatar
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Reference on two numbers associated to a module of finite homological dimension

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra over a field $K$ with a module $M$ which has finite projective dimension and finite injective dimension. Let $n \geq 1$. Let $(P_i)$ be a minimal projective ...
Mare's user avatar
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On a reference for computing global spectrum of $A_n$-curve singularities, by H.Dao and E.Faber

This question is about chasing down a reference in a paper relating to non-commutative crepant resolutions and Cohen-Macaulay representation theory. Allow me to first give a minor introduction. Let $(...
user160167's user avatar
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Higher analogue of the Auslander-Bridger transpose

Let $A$ be an Artin algebra and $M$ a module with $Ext^i(M,A)=0$ for $i=1,...,n-2$. Then in case $P_{n-1} \rightarrow ... \rightarrow P_0 \rightarrow M \rightarrow 0$ is the beginning of a minimal ...
Mare's user avatar
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Question on a subcategory being extension-closed

In the article "Homological theory of noetherian rings" by Idun Reiten from 1996, it was stated that it seems to be not known whether the subcategory $\operatorname{Tr}(\Omega^i(\mathrm{mod}\...
Mare's user avatar
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Isomorphism for Ext spaces for finite dimensional algebras

Let $A$ be an Artin algebra with enveloping algebra $A^e$. Then we have $Hom_{A^e}(X,A^e) \cong Hom_A(D(A) \otimes_A X,A)$ for a bimodule $X$. (see for example in the article "A theorem of Green on ...
Mare's user avatar
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Characterisation of minimal projective resolutions via the Euler characteristic

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional $K$-algebra (where $K$ is a field) and $M$ a finitely generated $A$-module. Let $\psi: 0 \rightarrow P_r \rightarrow ... \rightarrow P_0 \rightarrow M \rightarrow 0$ ...
Mare's user avatar
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Finding minimal copresentations of projectives in stable endomorphism rings

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra (you can assume it is selfinjective in case this helps) and $M$ an $A$-module without projective summands. Let $B=\underline{End_A(M)}$, the stable endomorphism ...
Mare's user avatar
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Classes of algebras where derived equivalence preserves the global dimension

Question: Are there known classes $X$ of finite dimensional algebras in the literature that have the property that in case $A, B \in X$ are derived equivalent, they share the same global dimension? ...
Mare's user avatar
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Tachikawa conjecture for finite dimensional commutative monomial algebras

Let $A=K[x_1,...,x_n]/I$ be a finite dimensional local algebra with a monomial ideal $I$. The Tachikawa conjectures are conjectures for finite dimensional algebras. Im interested in them here for such ...
Mare's user avatar
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Right approximation in certain subcategories

Let $A$ be an Artin algebra and $C$ a subcategory of mod-$A$ that contains all projective modules and is closed under finite direct sums (but not necessarily under direct summands). Let $T:=add(C)$. ...
Mare's user avatar
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Which abelian categories have homological dimension 1?

In this MSRI lecture Geometry of Quiver Varieties I, Victor Ginzburg describes all abelian categories of homological dimension $1$ as being either a category of representations $\mathrm{Rep}_\mathbf{...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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Finitistic dimension conjecture for quadratic algebras

The finitistic dimension of a finite dimensional algebra is defined as the supremum of all projective dimensions of modules having finite projective dimension. The finitistic dimension conjecture says ...
Mare's user avatar
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Open problems about Morita and derived invariants

Are there properties of rings of which one does not know whether they are Morita or derived invariances? For a recent such example for Morita invariance, see
Mare's user avatar
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Bound on the sum of projective and injective dimension

Recall that a finite dimensional algebra is called piecewise hereditary in case it is derived equivalent to an abelian hereditary category. In proposition 1.2. of
Mare's user avatar
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Stable equivalence and stable Auslander algebras

Let $A$ be a representation-finite finite dimensional quiver algebra and $M$ the basic direct sum of all indecomposable $A$-modules. Recall that the Auslander algebra of $A$ is $End_A(M)$ and the ...
Mare's user avatar
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Derived invariance of the Cartan determinant

The Cartan matrix $C$ of a finite quiver algebra $A$ with points $e_i$ is defined as the matrix having entries $c_{i,j}=\dim(e_i A e_j)$. The Cartan determinant is defined as the determinant of the ...
Mare's user avatar
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Reference for isomorphism $Ext_A^n(X,Y) \cong Ext_A^1(\Omega^{n-1}(X),Y)$

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra and $X,Y$ indecomposable modules and $n \geq 2$. We know that $Ext_A^n(X,Y) \cong Ext_A^1(\Omega^{n-1}(X),Y)$. Now such an isomorphism should be given by ...
Mare's user avatar
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n-Gorenstein algebras and tilting modules

Let $\Lambda$ be an artin algebra over a commutative artinian ring $R$. $\Lambda$ is said to be $n$-Gorenstein, for some natural number $n$, provided it have finite self-injective dimension at most $n$...
Xiaosong Peng's user avatar
3 votes
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History of an open problem on partial tilting modules

The following is an open problem: Given a partial tilting module $T$ over a finite dimensional algebra $A$ (that is $Ext_A^i(T,T)=0$ for all $i \geq 1$ and $pd(T) < \infty$), then $T$ is a tilting ...
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Reference for a result of Auslander about the global dimension

One of Auslanders famous theorems is that he proved that the global dimension of a semiprimary ring is equal to the maximum of the projective dimensions of the simple modules of the ring. This result ...
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Question on outer Ext-products

For group algebras $A=KG$ over a field $K$ with finite group $G$ there exists an outer product on Ext: $Ext_A^i(M,N) \otimes_K Ext_A^j(M',N') \rightarrow Ext_A^{i+j}(M \otimes_K M',N \otimes_K N')$. ...
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Reference request for formula on global dimension

Given a finite dimensional algebra $A$ over an algebraically closed field $K$. Let $A^e=A^{op} \otimes_K A$ be the enveloping algebra of $A$. Who noted first that the global dimension of $A$ is equal ...
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Who conjectured the Cartan determinant conjecture

The Cartan determinant conjecture states that every finite dimensional algebra of finite global dimension has the property that the determinant of its Cartan matrix is equal to one. Who stated this ...
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How to compute Ext-groups for categories without enough injectives/projectives?

I am studying a category of representations of an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra, which is an abelian category. Unfortunately, the category does not have enough injectives/projectives. I would ...
Batominovski's user avatar
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Recovering an A-infinity structure on an Ext-algebra from a quiver presentation

Let $A=KQ/I$ be a basic finite dimensional algebra given by a quiver with relations. Let $S$ denote the direct sum of the corresponding simple modules. According to [Keller: A-infinity algebras in ...
Julian Kuelshammer's user avatar
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Finitistic dimension via tilting modules

is the following true (all algebras and modules are assumed to be finite dimensional): The finitistic dimension of an algebra is equal to the supremum of projective dimensions of tilting modules? It ...
Mare's user avatar
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Homological dimensions of tensor products of algebras

Given two finite dimensional algebras $A$ and $B$ over a field. The Gorenstein dimension of an algebra A is defined as the injective dimension of the module A. The finitistic dimension of an algebra A ...
Mare's user avatar
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Homological characterisation of standardly stratified algebras using Ext

Let A be a finite dimensional algebra and $S_1,S_2,...,S_n$ the simple $A$-modules and $P_1,..,P_n$ the indecomposable projective $A$-modules. For $i=1,...,n$, define the standard module $\Delta_i$ as ...
Mare's user avatar
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Classification of representation-finite algebras up to stable equivalence of Morita type

Assume $K$ is an algebraically closed field. I wanted to ask if there is a classification of the representation-finite $K$-algebras up to stable equivalence of Morita type (at least for some small ...
Mare's user avatar
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Is there a "correct" general setting for the principle: "tensoring any object with a projective object yields another projective"?

Apparently this principle was first formulated for left modules over the group algebra $A=kG$ of a finite group, where $k$ is a field of characteristic $p>0$ dividing $|G|$. (See Exercise 2 on p. ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
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Complexes of representations with complementary central charges

This is another question asking for references. There is an important phenomenon of correspondence between (complexes of) representations of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras with the complementary ...
Leonid Positselski's user avatar