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Is there a characterization of the Hausdorff measures?

It is known that there is a unique measure on the Borel $\sigma$-algebra of $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that the measure of the rectangle $\prod_i [a_i,b_i[$ is $\prod_i (b_i-a_i)$. This is the Lebesgue ...
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Is there an explicit, everywhere surjective $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ whose graph has zero Hausdorff measure in its dimension?

Suppose $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ is Borel. Let $\text{dim}_{\text{H}}(\cdot)$ be the Hausdorff dimension, and $\mathcal{H}^{\text{dim}_{\text{H}}(\cdot)}(\cdot)$ be the Hausdorff measure in its ...
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density of fractal measures

Let $s\in (0, 1)$ be a real number. Let $E\subset [0, 1]$ be a Borel set whose Hausdorff dimension is given by $s$. Assume that $\mathcal{H}^s(E)=+\infty$, that is, the $s$-dimensional Hausdorff ...
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