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Hamilton equations-Symplectic scheme [closed]

We know that $\dot{q} = \frac{\partial H}{\partial p}$ and $\dot{p} = -\frac{\partial H}{\partial q}$, and we also know the values $Q$ and $P$ respectively of $q$ and $p$ at a later time step $\Delta ...
Jokerp's user avatar
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Is composition of discrete Hamiltonian flows integrable?

Consider $\Bbb{R}^2$ with the usual symplectic form $$\omega = dx \wedge dy$$ For a function $H \colon \Bbb{R}^2 \to \Bbb{R}$, let $X_H$ be the Hamiltonian vector field. Then the map $\Bbb{R}^2 \to \...
Nick's user avatar
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An algebraic Hamiltonian vector field with a finite number of periodic orbits (2)

Is there a polynomial Hamiltonian $H:\mathbb{R}^{4}\to \mathbb{R}$ such that the number of nontrivial periodic orbits of the corresponding Hamiltonian vector field $X_{H}$ is finite but different ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Symplectic forms and sign of eigenvalues

This question has come out while reading J. Moser "New Aspects in the Theory of Stability of Hamiltonian Systems". I'm particularly interested to the Appendix, where one investigates the stability of ...
AndreaPaco's user avatar
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Contradiction between fixed points of a hamiltonian diffeomorphism of a torus and quasi-periodic motion on a torus

Again a very simple question. I currently hold two contradictory ideas in my head 1) A hamiltonian diffeomorphism of a torus necessarily has fixed points 2) most hamiltonian actions on a torus in an ...
R Mary's user avatar
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On the measure of regular and chaotic regions in a phase space

Consider a Hamiltonian, non-linear, dynamical system associated to $H(\vec{q},\vec{p})$. Assume that the number of effective degrees of freedom is relatively small, say $D=3,4,5$. Now choose a certain ...
AndreaPaco's user avatar
9 votes
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An algebraic Hamiltonian vector field with a finite number of periodic orbits(1)

Edit: The previous version of this question contained 2 part. In this new version, I deleted the first part and move it to a new question. Is There a polynomial Hamiltonian $H(x,y,z,w)=zP(x,y)+wQ(...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
7 votes
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Uniqueness of Birkhoff Normal Form and KAM theory for Symplectomorphims

I am starting to work with Hamiltonian Dynamics and I have been taking a look at some of the basic stuff in KAM theory. I have posted part of this question at MSE but as I did not get any response I ...
Frank Trujillo's user avatar
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Is the interpolating Hamiltonian flow of an exact near-identity symplectic map globally defined?

It is well-known that an analytic near-identity map $\bar{x} = F_{\epsilon}(x) = x + \epsilon f(x) + O(\epsilon^{2})$ may be embedded into the flow of a differential equation, and if that map is ...
Vitaly's user avatar
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Is it true that a nondegenerate minimizing periodic orbit of mechanical Hamiltonian system is hyperbolic

Consider mechanical Hamiltonian system of the form $$H(p,q)=\dfrac{\Vert p\Vert^2}{2}+V(q),\quad (q,p)\in T^*\mathbb T^n.$$ Here we suppose the periodic orbit $\gamma$ minimizes the Lagrangian ...
John Galt's user avatar
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