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Questions tagged [hamiltonian-graphs]

A Hamiltonian graph (directed or undirected) is a graph that contains a Hamiltonian cycle, that is, a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once.

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3 votes
1 answer

What is the densest bipartite graph with unique Hamiltonian cycle?

In a prior post regarding perfect matching, it was stated that the densest graph with a unique perfect matching cannot have more than $n^2$ edges, if graph has $2n$ vertices. Analogously, what is the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does this graph contain at least two Hamiltonian cycles?

Let $G$ be a simple graph which is a $2n$-cycle together with $n$ chords such that $G$ is $3$-regular. In other words, the set of $n$ chords is a perfect matching of $G$. I conjecture that for every ...
2 votes
1 answer

Simple decomposition of $K_{2n}-I$ into hamiltonian cycles In the 1890s, Walecki showed that complete graphs K_n admit a Hamilton decomposition for odd n, and decompositions into Hamiltonian cycles ...
7 votes
1 answer

Refinement of Dirac's theorem on Hamiltonian graphs

Dirac's theorem states that if degree of each vertex of a graph $G=(V,E)$ is not less than $|V|/2$, then it has Hamiltonian cycle. It is less known, but still known and not so hard to prove (though I ...
4 votes
2 answers

Can we find 3 disjoint directed Hamiltonian cycles in the cube?

Let $D$ be the digraph on $2^d$ vertices with $d2^d$ edges that we obtain by directing each edge of the $d$-dimensional hypercube in both directions. Can we partition the edges of $D$ into $d$ ...
5 votes
0 answers

A digraph related to permutations

A finite sequence of distinct real numbers of length $n$ determines a linear order of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$, by mapping position to rank; call this the permutation of the sequence. Consider the following ...
3 votes
1 answer

Hamiltonicity of random graphs with high girth

We say that $G\sim G_{n,f}$ (for $f=f(n)$) if $G$ is chosen uniformly at random from all graphs on $n$ vertices with girth $g(G)\ge f(n)$. Is there any threshold function $F(n)$ such that when $f\ll F$...
8 votes
2 answers

How to efficiently find a Hamiltonian cycle in a graph whose closure is complete?

A graph whose closure is the complete graph is Hamiltonian by the Bondy-Chvátal theorem, but I haven't found a polynomial algorithm for finding a Hamiltonian cycle in such a graph. Is there one that ...
6 votes
1 answer

Hamiltonicity criteria for sparse graphs

Given a sparse graph, how can one go about proving that it is Hamiltonian? (Assuming it actually is, of course). There are three main classes of criteria for Hamiltonicity that I am aware of: Dirac-...
3 votes
1 answer

Regular graphs with $a$ and $b$ Hamiltonian edges

Special case of this question. Let $G$ be $r$-regular Hamiltonian graph. An $a$ edge is an edge which is on every Hamiltonian cycle. A $b$ edge is an edge which is on no Hamiltonian cycle. $a(G)$ ...
4 votes
1 answer

Minimum distance between Hamiltonian cycles in cubic Hamiltonian graph

It is $NP$-hard to find constant factor approximation of longest cycle in cubic Hamiltonian graphs. Therefore, finding a Hamiltonian cycle in a cubic Hamiltonian graph is NP-hard. By Smith's theorem, ...
5 votes
1 answer

Reconstructing the number of Hamiltonian cycles

As is common terminology in graph reconstruction, given a graph $G$, we call a vertex deleted subgraph of $G$, a card, and call the multiset of all cards, the deck of $G$. The graph reconstruction ...
2 votes
0 answers

Details about Kelman's equivalent form of Barnette's conjecture

Barnette's conjecture states that every cubic planar bipartite 3-connected graph admits Hamiltonian cycles. Kelman claims that this conjecture is equivalent to a stronger one, which imposes some ...
3 votes
0 answers

Effect of removing a Hamiltonian cycle on the Laplacian spectrum

Notation: $\lambda_{\max}(G)$ is the largest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of the graph $G$ (aka the Laplacian index of $G$). Now suppose $G$ is a Hamiltonian graph with Hamiltonian cycle $C$. ...
6 votes
1 answer

Hamiltonian cycles in power-graphs

I've stumbled across a short note from 1993 where a nice question was asked: Suppose you take a graph with vertices $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ and connect $i,j$ by an edge if and only if $i+j$ is a $k$th ...

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