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Generalizing the Narasimhan–Seshadri theorem

There is a theorem that (stable, topologically trivial) holomorphic $G$-bundles are in one-to-one correspondence to flat $K$-bundles (with the appropriate corresponding condition), where $K$ is the ...
Charles Wang's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for moduli space of slope-stable bundles to be non-empty

I'm trying to find to a statement concerning the non-emptiness of the moduli space of slope stable vector bundles over a Kähler surface in the literature. Let $X$ be a Kähler surface. Let $\mathscr{M}(...
holitinh's user avatar
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Moduli spaces of rank 2 stable bundles over curves as projective varieties

Let $\Sigma$ be a Riemann surface of genus $g$. Let's consider the moduli space of rank $2$ stable vector bundles with determinant $L$ such that $\deg(L)$ is odd. Denote this space by $\mathcal{M}_{\...
Shaoyun Bai's user avatar
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Gauge theory on schemes

Gauge theories are traditionally formulated in space-time, superspace, manifolds, or supermanifolds. Are there formulations of gauge theory in the context of algebraic geometry (e.g. defining fields ...
Emily's user avatar
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Infinite-dimensional manifold $ΩG$ of loops and the complex projective $n$-space

In a review seminar today, I heard the speaker takes the below for granted, but I have no enough background "Yang-Mills (YM) instantons in 4D can be naturally identified with (i.e. have the same ...
wonderich's user avatar
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compact manifold as a hyperkahler quotient of an infinite-dimensional affine space

Is it possible to obtain K3 (or any other compact hyperkahler manifold) with its hyperkahler structure as a hyperkahler quotient of an infinite-dimensional affine quaternionic vector space with an ...
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
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Correspondence between $O(n)$-instantons on $S^4$ and holomorphic bundles over $\mathbb{P}^3$

Theorem 2.9 on page 49 of Atiyah's Geometry of Yang-Mills Fields states that there is a natural correspondence between $U(n)$-instantons on $S^4$ and holomorphic vector bundles of rank $n$ over $\...
Augusto Pereira's user avatar
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Hartshorne's Conjectures about Algebraic Bundles?

In 1978 Hartshorne published a list of 26 open problems about algebraic bundles on projective spaces [Hart], proceeding from an Oxford conference organized by Atiyah. I understand that many of these ...
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Gottsche Nakajima Yoshioka define a weird slant product

In their article Instanton counting and Donaldson invariants the authors define the slant product for $\beta \in H_i(X)$ (where $X$ is a manifold) as following. Let $P \to X$ and SO(3) bundle and $M(...
Marion's user avatar
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Transformation between two conventions of Hitchin equation

Recall that for a given Riemann surface $\Sigma$ Hitchin's self-duality equation consists of a complex rank $r$ vector bundle $E$ (with degree 0 for simplicity), a connection $d_A: \Omega^k(\Sigma, E) ...
Kevin Ye's user avatar
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On the Hitchin fibration

I will refer to Simpson's "Higgs bundles and local systems". Proposition 1.4: When $X$ is a smooth projective variety, one can build up the moduli space $\mathcal{M}(X,r)$ of rank $r$ Higgs ...
Ivo's user avatar
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computation with Hilbert scheme of $n$ points on $\mathbb C^2$ [closed]

How can we show that $$\sum_{n = 0}^\infty q^n \operatorname{char}_T S^n(\mathbb C[x,y])= \prod_{p_1,p_2\geq 0}\frac{1}{1-t_1^{p_1}t_2^{p_2}q}$$ where $\operatorname{char}_T V$ denotes the character ...
jj_p's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

What is the precise statement of the correspondence between stable Higgs bundles on a Riemann surface, solutions to Hitchin's self-duality equations on the Riemann surface, and representations of the fundamental group of the Riemann surface?

I am trying to find the precise statement of the correspondence between stable Higgs bundles on a Riemann surface $\Sigma$, (irreducible) solutions to Hitchin's self-duality equations on $\Sigma$, and ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
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gauge theory construction of vector bundles on singular varieties

This is sort of a follow-up to: Gauge theory construction of moduli of vector bundles If I have a complex compact algebraic curve with at worst nodal singularities, is there an analytic description ...
Martin's user avatar
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Gauge theory construction of moduli of vector bundles

Given a smooth projective complex variety $X$, instead of using Mumford's GIT to construct the moduli of rank $n$ topologically trivial vector bundles, we can also take the gauge theory approach. To ...