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Actions of $\mathbb Z/2\mathbb Z$ on algebraically closed fields and even-dimensional spheres and parallel between Galois theory and covering theory

It is well known that there is a parallel between Galois theory and covering theory. So I wonder whether there is a deep similarity between the following two facts: Artin-Schreier theorem. The only ...
evgeny's user avatar
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To what extent are geometric methods being used to attack the inverse Galois problem?

My limited knowledge so far is that some groups have been constructed geometrically using the theory of covering spaces, then applying Hilbert irreducibility. Is there a deeper way in which inverse ...
Nicolas Banks's user avatar
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Reference Request: Pushforward of $\pi_1$ along a covering map and the Galois group

Let $f \colon (Y,y_0) \to (X,x_0)$ be a finite-to-one pointed covering map. The pushforward gives an inclusion $f_* \colon \pi_1(Y,y_0) \to \pi_1(X,x_0)$. If we take the universal cover $\widetilde{X}$...
Jon Aycock's user avatar
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Making extensions $L/K$ aware of the Galois group coming from $K/k$

Although inspired by my question on math.SE this is not a crosspost. What happened is that after an answer and some comments I realized more clearly ...
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