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Links and non-orientable surfaces

Let $\Sigma \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ be a compact embedded surface with boundary $\partial \Sigma$ and $i:\Sigma\setminus \partial\Sigma \to \mathbb{R}^3 \setminus \partial\Sigma$ the inclusion. Is the ...
mmen's user avatar
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Lifting of a proper map in the cover is a proper map

Let $M$ be an orientable surface without boundary$($I am not assuming $M$ is compact, it can be non-compact$)$. Let $\Phi: M\to M$ be a proper homotopy-equivalnce$($A proper homotopy-equivalence can ...
Someone's user avatar
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Invariant lifts of a closed curve on a surface of genus > 1

I am learning some things about surfaces of genus greater than $1$, and I am trying to answer this question : Let $S$ be a compact and orientable surface of genus $g \geq 2$, and $c$ a closed curve ...
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