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Does this pseudo-holomorphic triangle contribute to the product $\mu_2$ in Lagrangian Floer cohomology?

I'm computing the product map $$\mu_2 : CF(L_0,V)\otimes CF(V,L_1)\to CF(L_0,L_1)$$ in Seidel's exact triangle for this specific case: This is a genus 2 surface, and I color-coded the three (...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Is Heegaard-Floer homology the Lagrangian Floer homology of $M=\text{Sym}^g(\Sigma), L_0=\mathbb{T}_{\alpha},L_1=\mathbb{T}_{\beta}$?

Is Heegaard Floer homology the Lagrangian Floer homology of $M=\text{Sym}^g(\Sigma), L_0=\mathbb{T}_{\alpha},L_1=\mathbb{T}_{\beta}$? I am interested in the relationship between the theories ...
contingent's user avatar
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Lagrangian Floer theory for negative monotone symplectic manifolds and Lagrangians

In the paper "Floer cohomology of Lagrangian intersections and pseudo-holomorphic Disks I", Oh shows that for a compact monotone Lagrangian $L$ in a closed monotone symplectic manifold $M$ ...
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Bubbling off a sphere in a splitting/stretching manifold

This question is related to my old question Bubbling off of a pseudo holomorphic sphere on surface with cylindrical ends about the bubbling off argument in Seidel's paper The symplectic Floer homology ...
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Influence of symplectic invariants of the complement on being superheavy

Let $(M,\omega)$ be a symplectic manifold. I'm trying to show that a compact subset $K\subset M$ is $1$-superheavy [1, Definition 1.3] where $1=PD([M])$ is the unit in $QH^0(M)$. My question is: How ...
bas's user avatar
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Confusion about proof of $C^0$ bounds for Floer curves on cotangent bundles

I have trouble understanding the proof of theorem 5.4 from Cielibak's article "Pseudo-holomorphic curves and periodic orbits on cotangent bundles". At the bottom of page 267 he defines a ...
Rbr's user avatar
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Product structures in Rabinowitz Floer homology

Let $(M,d\lambda)$ be a compact exact symplectic manifold and $\overline{M}$ its symplectic completion. For simplicity we can think of $\overline{M}$ has a cotangent bundle and $\partial M$ the sphere ...
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Relation between symplectic (co)homology and Hochschild (co)homology and deformations

A very fluffy question in which I'm ignorant of homology/cohomology, grading etc: The open-closed and closed-open string maps relating the symplectic (co)homology and Hochschild (co)homology of the ...
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Why should we restrict the multiplicitiy of hyperbolic orbit to be one in Embedded contact homology?

Embedded contact homology(abbreviated by ECH) is a Floer type theory specially designed for three dimensional contanct manifolds(or generally, manifold with stable Hamiltonian structure) invented by ...
ChoMedit's user avatar
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Index of Floer operator for Hamiltonian vs Lagrangian Floer Homology

I am trying to see if there is a way to translate the computation of the index of the Floer operator for Hamiltonian Floer to Lagrangian Floer. Hamiltonian Floer homology is a theory that counts (...
Y.H. Chan's user avatar
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Choice of a family of almost complex structures when defining Floer Homology

Consider a $1$-periodic Hamiltonian $H:S^{1}\times M\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ defined on a compact symplectic manifold $M$. Let's suppose $M$ is nice enough so that we can develop Floer theory on it. ...
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Why is embedded contact homology so powerful?

The Embedded Contact Homology (ECH), introduced by M. Hutchings, is an invariant of (contact) three-manifolds. Since its introduction, well-known conjectures in symplectic/contact topology in ...
Shaoyun Bai's user avatar
23 votes
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Introduction to Floer Theory?

Can anyone suggest a good overview/introduction of the Floer machine for a beginner? (Someone pointed out some intriguing connections to surface mapping class groups, which might be enough incentive ...
4 votes
2 answers

Dismissing pseudoholomorphic curves in embedded contact homology

In the papers The periodic Floer homology of a Dehn twist, Rounding corners of polygons and the embedded contact homology of $T^3$, and Combinatorial embedded contact homology for toric contact ...
kvicente's user avatar
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Linearization of the Floer equation

In Floer Homology we want to prove that the Moduli spaces $\mathcal{M}(x^{-},x^{+})$ are finite dimensional manifolds. This is done by expressing them as the zero set of a Fredholm map. First one ...
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Seidel's calculation of the Floer cohomology of a cotangent fibre and its Dehn twist

I am reading Seidel's paper on exact Lagrangian submanifolds in $T^*S^n$ and the graded Kronecker quiver, and in Lemma 2 (2) he claims the following fact: if $F_0$ is a cotangent fibre and $F_1$ is $\...
B. S.'s user avatar
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Definition of Floer complex in Floer's "Morse theory for Lagrangian intersections"

I am moving the first steps into Lagrangian Floer theory and I am trying to understand the construction, as in the original paper, for the field $\mathbb{Z}_2$ (no orientations) and $\pi_2(P,L) = 0$. ...
EmarJ's user avatar
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Generic choice of non-degenerate Hamiltonians $H$ in Floer theory

When developing floer theory for an Hamiltonian $H:M\times S^{1}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ we will want $H$ to satisfy a non-degenerancy condition, that is, for every $x\in \mathcal{P}(H)$, a periodic ...
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Associativity of orientations of determinant bundles in Floer homology

I have been reading the paper "Coherent orientations for periodic orbits problems in symplectic geometry" by Floer and Hofer, trying to understand how we can orient the moduli spaces that ...
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Computing the Fredholm index in Floer theory

In Salamon's notes on Floer homology, it's claimed that under some non-degenerancy assumptions the operator $$D:= \partial_s+J_0\partial_t+S(s,t): W^{1,p}(\mathbb{R}\times S^1,\mathbb{R}^{2n})\...
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Some clarifications on the PSS isomorphism in Hamiltonian Floer cohomology

I'm looking for some help in understanding the PSS isomorphism map in the context of Hamiltonian Floer cohomology and Morse cohomology with universal Novikov coefficients $\Lambda_{\omega}$ (à la ...
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Computation of the Fredhom index in Floer theory

I have been reading Salamon's lecture notes on Floer homology, and to compute the Fredholm index of operators they use the fact that the spectral flow of $A(s)$ is the Fredholm index. Now in the proof ...
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Writting the Floer map in local coordinates using the exponential chart

Following Salamon's Notes in Floer Homology , consider the Floer equation $$\mathcal{F}(u):=\partial_su+J_t(\partial_tu+\nabla H_t(u))=0$$ Then we can write in local coordinates $$\mathcal \Phi_u^{-1}(...
Someone's user avatar
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$\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^n$ is monotone in $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n$, Lagrangian floer cohomology

Following the paper "Floer cohomology of lagrangian intersections and Pseudo-Holomoprhic discks 2" by OH, it is mentioned that $\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^n$ is monotone in $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n$...
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Lagrangian Floer (co)homology, Novikov coverings and exact symplectic manifolds

I started reading the book "Lagrangian intersection Floer theory anomaly and obstruction", and there are a couple of details and assumptions in the definition of the Novikov covering that I ...
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Continuation principle for solutions of Floer's equation in $\mathbb{R}\times [0,1]$ and transversality

Consider $(M,\omega)$ a symplectic manifold and $J$ a compatible almost complex structure. For me it's well known that if we consider 2 solutions $u,v:\mathbb{R}\times S^1\rightarrow M$ of Floer's ...
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Motivation behind the usual setting of the (weak) Arnold conjecture for fixed points of an hamiltonian diffeomorphism

I'm trying to find out the motivations that led V. Arnold to formulate his famous conjecture (I guess theorem by now) in the following form: Let $(M,\omega)$ be a closed symplectic manifold (add ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Gluing of Morse-type trajectories in "Floer Homology of Cotangent bundles"

In the paper by A. Abbondadolo and M.Schwarz, "On the Floer homology of cotangent bundles" arXiv link, to prove the desired isomorphism between the Floer homology and the Morse homology of ...
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Cup product and PSS map

Let $(M,\omega)$ be a symplectic manifold and let $H$ a Hamiltonian function. If $M$ is not closed we consider $H$ to be linear at infinity to ensure that $HF^*(H)$ is well-defined (I'm particularly ...
bas's user avatar
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Compactness of Moduli spaces in Lagrangian Floer Cohomology

I have been reading Denis Aurox lecture notes on Fukaya Categories , and in page $9$ he starts to discuss the compactness properties of the moduli spaces and how we ...
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Maslov index equal to $2$ implies that the disk is not multiply covered

In the paper Floer cohomology of lagrangian intersections and pseudo-holomorphic disks in page $1009$ the authors claim that a map $w:D^2\rightarrow S^2$ with $w|_{\partial D^2}\subset L$, where $L$ ...
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Compactness properties in floer homology of cotangent bundles in the non-periodic case

Following the paper I have been interested in studying the case of solutions $x:[0,1] \rightarrow T^*M$ such that $x(0)\in T_{q_0}^*M$ and $x(1)\in T_{q_1}^*M$ ...
Someone's user avatar
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Composition of coproduct and product in Lagrangian Floer (co)homology

Let's take a Riemann surface $\Sigma$ and three Lagrangians $L_0,L_1,L_2$ in general position. let's assume that we can set up Lagrangian Floer (co)homology - Here I'm being vague because I don't want ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Lagrangian intersection Floer homology: understanding some assumptions

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a symplectic manifold and $L\subset X$ be a Lagrangian subspace. Let $\mu_L:H_2(X,L;\mathbb{Z})\to \mathbb{Z}$ be the Maslov index homomorphism. Usual hypothesis Recall that $L$...
Overflowian's user avatar
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Bubbling of disks when proving compactness properties in Lagrangian floer cohomology

When defining lagrangian floer cohomology , as it's done in the paper "Floer cohomology of lagrangian Intersections and pseudo holomorphic disks I,II" we will need to look into the ...
Someone's user avatar
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Examples and classification of holomorphic strips in $(\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n,\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^n)$

Consider an exact isotopy $\phi_t$ of $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n$ such that $\phi_1(\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^n)\pitchfork \mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^n$. When trying to compute the Lagrangian Floer cohomology of $(\...
Someone's user avatar
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Gluing of hybrid trajectories in Floer homology

In the paper by A. Abbondadolo and M.Schwarz, "On the Floer homology of cotangent bundles" arXiv link, to prove the desired isomorphism between the Floer homology and the Morse homology of ...
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Linearization of $\bar \partial_J$ in the paper Floer cohomology of Lagrangian intersecitons and pseudo-holomorphic discks 2

Reading the paper Floer cohomology of Lagrangian intersecitons and pseudo-holomorphic discks 2, in page $1004$ the authors want to prove that the linearization of $\bar \partial_J$ is surjective for ...
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Choice of almost complex structure in Seidel's Symplectic Floer Homology of a Dehn twist

I'm looking for a clarification of a construction done in Seidel's Symplectic Floer Homology of a Dehn twist: I don't get why his choice of almost complex structure on $\Sigma$ is a valid one for ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Relating the Morse index with the Maslov index

In the following paper there is created an isomorphism between the Floer Homology of an hamiltonian functional $H$ in the cotangent bundle and the the Morse ...
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Bubbling off of a pseudo holomorphic sphere on surface with cylindrical ends

I need some clarification about the reason why we have a sphere bubbling off in the situation described by Seidel in The Symplectic Floer Homology of a Dehn Twist. I’ll try to summarize to the best ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Roadmap to Floer homotopy theory?

I am a young postdoc working in symplectic topology. Recently I became intrigued by Floer homotopy, especially after seeing it had been applied to classical questions in symplectic topology. (e.g. ...
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Using the removal of singularities theorem in $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^1-\{0,\infty\}$ with lagrangian boundary conditions

Reading the paper "Floer Cohomology of Lagrangian intersections" the authors construct a map $f: \mathbb{R}^n \times [0,2^N]\rightarrow \mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n$ such that $f(\tau,0)=f(\tau,2^...
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13 votes
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Maslov index and Heegard Floer homology

I am an undergraduate who wants to learn Knot Floer homology. I was told to start with this expository paper which was working quite well until I reached the actual definition of the differential. ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Lagragian floer homology vs homology of $\Omega(L_0,L_1)$

I'm very new to this subject, so apologies for a very naive question and probably many mistakes. Let $M$ be some compact sympletic manifold with $L_0,L_1$ Lagrangian submanifolds which intersects ...
Andy Jiang's user avatar
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The singular cohomology embeds into the symplectic cohomology

Viterbo's theorem on cotangent bundles $M=T^*N$ tells you in particular that singular cohomology $H^*(M)$ gets embedded in $SH^*(M)$ via the $c^*$ map. Having a Weinstein manifold (or more generally ...
Filip's user avatar
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Conley Zehnder index for Floer homology of a symplectomorphism

I'm trying to get some intuition for the Conley-Zehnder index in the setting of Floer homology of a symplectomorphism $\phi : (M,\omega) \to (M,\omega)$. Let's assume that $\phi$ only has non-...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Is there an symplectic field theory compactness theorem applicable in the context of Floer cohomology of a symplectomorphism?

Is there any reference in the literature about results regarding symplectic field theory (SFT) compactness for a neck-stretch in the context of Floer homology of a symplectomorphism $\phi \colon (M,\...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Continuation map interpolating two quadratic Hamiltonians with respect to different contact boundaries

Let $(M,\lambda)$ be a Liouville manifold. Consider two different contact boundaries $\partial_{\infty}^1M$ and $\partial_{\infty}^2M$ with respect to the same Liouville flow $Z$. Each of them ...
ChiHong Chow's user avatar
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Definition of signs of isomorphisms $c_u : o(x_1) \to o(x_0)$ in the definition of Floer cohomology via Seidel's book

I'm reading Paul Seidel's book "Fukaya Categories and Picard-Lefschetz Theory", chapter 12, and I'm currently trying to understand the differential on Floer cohomology in terms of ...
Matija Sreckovic's user avatar