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The Maximum Number of Lines Contained in the Point Set of a Finite Projective Plane

Consider a finite projective plane of order $q$. Define $f(m)$ to be the maximum number of lines completely contained in any point set of size $m$, where $1 \leq m \leq q^2+q+1$. I would like to ...
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Non-Desarguesian finite projective planes with ≤3 (non-collinear) chosen points, and coordinatisation

It is well-known that an arbitrary projective plane can have very different symmetry group to a field plane. In particular, the symmetries are not transitive on the set of fundamental quadrangles. ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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$\left< 15\right>^7/15$-womcode construction

In the article Womcodes constructed with projective geometries Frans Merkx constructed several good wom-codes (write-once memory codes, see How to reuse a "write-once" memory by Rivest & Shamir ...
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
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Is the finite projective plane stable as an extremal set system?

Let $\Sigma$ be a set of $|\Sigma| = n$ subsets of the universe $[n]$, each of size $k$, with the property that any two of these subsets intersect on at most one element. It is easy to see that the ...
GMB's user avatar
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Enumerating certain types of permutation polynomials

Given a prime power $q$, I would like to enumerate (preferably up to isomorphism*) all the permutation polynomials $f(x)$ on $K = GF(q^3)$ satisfying the following conditions: $f(ax) = af(x)$ for all ...
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