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Ergodicity of action of finite index subgroups in the boundary

Let $\Gamma < \operatorname{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})= \text{Isom}^+(\mathbb{H^2})$ be a discrete subgroup. Suppose $\Gamma$ acts ergodically on the boundary of the hyperbolic plane $\partial{\mathbb{H}^2}...
shurtados's user avatar
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Confusion about Teichmüller curves and $\operatorname{SL}_2$-action

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Let $M_g$ be the moduli space of curves, $\Omega M_g$ the total space of the bundle of holomorphic 1-forms and $\pi: \Omega M_g\to M_g$ the natural projection. On $\Omega ...
Angy's user avatar
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Conull subspace containing orbit of an (ergodically acting) group

I should probably start with a warning that this is my first post in this board and that I am sorry, if it is not up to standards. It would be great, if you could let me know how to improve the post. ...
Emrys-Merlin's user avatar
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Banach density of a sequence of spheres in a virtually nilpotent group

Let $G$ be a finitely-generated group of polynomial growth equipped with the word metric (with respect to a fixed symmetric generating set). Let \begin{equation*} A = \left\{ g \in G: |g| = mn, n \...
user94744's user avatar
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Discontinuity of Radon-Nikodym derivative for Patterson-Sullivan measures for word metrics on Gromov hyperbolic groups

Let $\Gamma$ be a Gromov hyperbolic group coming endowed with a word metric coming from some finite generating set. Let $\nu$ be an associated Patterson-Sullivan measure (quasi-conformal density). I ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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When is a word metric on a CAT(-1) group a bounded distance from the orbit map of an isometric action on some CAT(-k) metric space?

Let $\Gamma$ be a group admitting a discrete and cocompact action on a CAT(-1) space. Let $d$ a word metric on $\Gamma$ coming from some finite set of generators. My question is: Does there exist a ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Ratner theorem and dense geodesic planes in hyperbolic manifolds

Suppose we have a closed hyperbolic $3$-manifold $M$. For any $x\in M$ and plane $\pi$ in $T_xM$ we consider $P$ the geodesic plane exp$(\pi)$ originating from $\pi$. For any $p\in \pi$ we consider ...
user126154's user avatar