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Pushforward of invariant measures (equivariant Moser theorem)

There is a well-known theorem that between any two absolutely continuous Borel probability measures $\mu$ and $\nu$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$ there is an increasing triangular transformation $T : \mathbb{R}^n ...
ivan's user avatar
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Approximation of $C^1$-smooth equivariant maps by infinitely smooth ones

Let $M,N$ be smooth closed manifolds acted by a finite group $G$. Let $f\colon M\to N$ be a $C^1$-smooth $G$-equivariant map. Is it true that for any $\varepsilon>0$ there exists a $C^\infty$-...
asv's user avatar
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Equivariant smooth approximation

Suppose we have a compact manifold $M$ with the action of a compact group $G$. Consider the space of $C^l$ $G$-equivariant diffeomorphisms $\text{Diff}_G^{l}(M)$ with the $C^l$ topology and the space ...
cr1t1cal's user avatar
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A group action on another group action quotient: how to best describe the resulting structure and does it have a name?

Suppose I have an action $\alpha:G\times X\to X$ of a group $G$ on a set $X$ and, on top of that, an action $\beta:H\times(X/G)\to(X/G)$ of another group $H$ on the set of $G$-orbits. Is there a nice ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Fundamental class in equivariant K-theory

I'm looking for an accessible reference for the definition of the fundamental class in equivariant K-theory. The setup I'm interested in is the following: suppose $V$ is a vector space equipped with ...
clementine's user avatar
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Classification of (complex algebraic) vector bundles on punctured affine space

The Quillen-Suslin theorem asserts that there are no nontrivial vector bundles over the affine space $\mathbb{A}^{n+1}$, $n\geq 0$. Let's work over the complex numbers. What can be said about vector ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Equivariant corner straightening

Equivariant corner straightening is usually mentioned in the literature without further explanation. What would be a reference where this is done (more or less) carefully for compact Lie group actions ...
Igor Belegradek's user avatar
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Equivariant Riemann-Roch on DM stacks?

Does an equivariant version of (Toen)-Riemann-Roch theorem hold say over a smooth Deligne-Mumford stack $X$ over the complex numbers? Any references that state this explicitely? Are there formulas ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Atiyah-Guillemin-Sternberg convexity theorem

I would like to study the Atiyah-Guillemin-Sternberg convexity theorem: proof and applications. I am already familiarised with hamiltonian actions, moment maps...and with elementary Morse theory. So ...
user56980's user avatar
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Equivariant versus retractive spaces: a reference request

Let $T$ be the category of compactly generated weak Hausdorff spaces with model structure given by Serre fibrations, Serre cofibrations and weak homotopy equivalences. Let $G = |G.|$ be the (geometric)...
John Klein's user avatar
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Equivariant K-theory of $S^1$-action on $S^2$

Is there any references for the structure of the equivariant K-theory $K_{S^1}(S^2)$ where the action of $S^1$ on $S^2$ is defined to be rotation about the $z$-axis? What is the ring structore of $K_{...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Reference for equivariant Riemann-Roch formula?

Is there any reference for equivariant Riemann-Roch formula: book, paper, notes or something? I want to compute the weight of the action of C^* on the top wedge of cohomology group.
yee yao's user avatar
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18 votes
8 answers

Reference request: Equivariant Topology

I am teaching a graduate seminar in equivariant topology. The format of the course is that I will give 2-3 weeks of background lectures, then each week a student will present a topic. The students ...
3 votes
1 answer

For a G-variety, what could one say about the motif of the corresponding simplicial variety

Let G be an algerbraic group, and X be a G-variety (that I will assume to be smooth). Then one can consider a simlicial variety whose terms are $G^i\times X$. This simplicial variety yields a 'complex ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
21 votes
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Formality of classifying spaces

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group (or reductive algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$), and let $BG$ be its classifying space. Fix a prime $p$. Let $\mathcal{A}$ denote the dg algebra of singular cochains on ...
Geordie Williamson's user avatar
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Equivariant sheaves basics reference

I am looking for a reference for basic facts about actions of linear algebraic groups and their Lie-algebras on $\mathcal O_X$-modules. For example I could not find a reference the following: Let $...
Jan Weidner's user avatar
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G-Modules on X=G/H modules on X/H ?

I think it is true that $G$-equivariant sheaves on $X$ are equal to $G/H$ equivariant sheaves on $X/H$. More precisely I'm interested in the following statement: Given an algebraic group $G$ with ...
Jan Weidner's user avatar
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