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Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the path Laplacian

Consider the Laplacian matrix of the path graph: $$ L = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & -1 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0\\ -1 & 2 & -1 & \cdots & 0 & 0\\ 0 & -1 & 2 & \...
user123's user avatar
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Directed graph whose adjacency matrix admits only 0 as eigenvalue

Let $G$ be a directed graph and let $P_i$ be its vertices. Let $A$ be the corresponding adjacency matrix of $G$, i.e. $a_{i,j}=1$ if and only if there is a directed edge from $P_i$ to $P_j$, ($a_{i,...
ABB's user avatar
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Trace minimization for generalized eigenvalue problem

In [1], it is shown in theorem 1.2 that for symmetric $n \times n$ matrices $A$, $B$, we have $$ \min_{Y \in Y^*} \text{tr}(Y^TAY) = \text{tr}(X^TAX) = \sum_{i=1}^p \lambda_i, $$ with $$ \text{ $X^...
drommedaris's user avatar
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If there are eigenvectors with largest components $i$ resp. $j$, then is there an eigenvector with two largest components $i$ and $j$?

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a connected (finite simple) graph with vertex set $V=\{1,...,n\}$ and let $\theta_2\in\Bbb R$ be the second-largest eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix. I wonder about the following ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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$\ell^1$-norm of eigenvectors of Erdős-Renyi Graphs

Setting. Let $G(n,p)$ denote the usual Erdős-Renyi (random) graphs. For each such graph there is an associated Laplacian matrix $L = D - A$ where $D$ collects the degrees on the diagonal and $A$ is ...
Stefan Steinerberger's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of the complement of a graph

Let $A$ and $\widetilde A$ be the adjacency matrices of a graph $G$ and of its complement, respectively. Is there any relation between the eigenvalues of $A + \widetilde A$ and the eigenvalues of $A$ ...
GA316's user avatar
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From one eigenvector to many, in a very local graph?

Let $\Gamma$ be an undirected graph of bounded degree $d$ with $V = \{1,2,\dotsc,N\}$ as its set of vertices, and edges only between vertices that are at a distance $\leq M$ apart (where $M$ is much ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Eigenvectors of graph Laplacian for spectral clustering

I have the following questions regarding the graph Laplacian for spectral clustering: What is the intuition behind projecting the Laplacian (D-A, where D is the degree matrix and A is the affinity ...
YtroS's user avatar
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Principal eigenvector of non-negative symmetric block matrix is approximated by a linear combination of the principal eigenvectors of the blocks

Let $ M \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n} = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ B^T & C \end{bmatrix} $ for some nonnegative $A \in \mathbb{R}^{k \times k}, B \in \mathbb{R}^{k \times n-k}, C \in \mathbb{R}^{n-...
Ross Griebenow's user avatar
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Simple random walk on a discrete torus - the eigensystem, reference

My problem concerns finding a reference in which the formulae for the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors ($n$ linearly independent eigenvectors!) for the transition matrix of a simple ...
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Sum of the absolute eigenvalues of A>=B

Kindly help me to prove/disprove the following statement. Let $A$ be a symmetric matrix of order $n \times n$ with all the diagonal entry equal to $0$, and other non-diagonal entry equal to $k$ (...
L S B. user255259's user avatar
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Interpreting (Fiedler) spectral bisectioning

I would appreciate help on how to interpret the results of spectral bisectioning of a graph. Given a $G=(V,E)$ with size $N$ represented by $Q$ its Laplacian matrix where the eigenvalues are ordered ...
Val K's user avatar
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interpretation of generalized eigenvalue/vectors in spectral graph theory [closed]

Let us say I have a symmetric graph adjacency matrix A, a degree matrix D, a laplacian L (D-A). I have a generalized eigenvalue equation $Av=\lambda Lv$. Does the eigenvalue/vectors produced in this ...
user24732's user avatar
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Eigenvectors of asymmetric graphs

Let $G$ be an asymmetric connected graph. Then is it always the case that at least one of the eigenvectors of its adjacency matrix $A$ consists entirely of distinct entries? Thanks!
baronbrixius's user avatar
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Repeated Second Eigenvalue of the Adjacency Matrix of a Graph

This question is motivated by a talk I went to earlier today. Suppose we have a $d$-regular graph $G$ with $n$ vertices, with adjacency matrix $A$. Let $$\lambda_1\geq \lambda_2 \geq\dots \geq \...
Eric Naslund's user avatar
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