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Chern classes and rational equivalence

Let $X$ be a complex variety and let $l_1$ and $l_2$ be line bundles on $X$. Let $f_1$ and $f_2$ be sections of $l_1$ and $l_2$ respectively, and let $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ be their zero-sets. I would like ...
Ron Z.'s user avatar
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How to determine the type of a divisor on a product of elliptic curves?

I already asked this on Math.SE, but didn't receive an answer yet. Say $E_1, \dotsc, E_n$ are elliptic curves (everything over $\mathbb C$), and $D \subset E_1 \times \dotsc \times E_n$ is an ...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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Divisor cohomology through spectral sequences

I don't know if it belongs here but anyway, I need to compute arithmetic genus of divisors pulled back from a Fano base space to a bundle (which may or mayn't be trivial) defined through the ...
user333644's user avatar
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How to define a principal divisor on general complex spaces?

[I am not a native English speaker, so my sentences may sound strange. ] I'm studying about complex analytic spaces. For meromorphic functions, I don't know how to define their principal divisors ...
map's user avatar
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Rational classes of $(-2)$-curves in a minimal surface of general type

Let $X$ be a minimal surface of general type over $\mathbb{C}$. One can show that if for any set of $(-2)$-curves $C_1,\cdots,C_l$ on $X$, there exists $k$, $1\le k\le l$ such that $$\sum_{i=1}^k\...
astana's user avatar
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Examples of complex manifolds with trivial Néron–Severi group?

$\DeclareMathOperator\NS{NS}\DeclareMathOperator\Pic{Pic}$Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold, assume projective if you'd like. Define the Néron–Severi group to be the quotient $$\NS(X) = \Pic(X) / \...
GradStudent's user avatar
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Question about Correspondences from Mumford’s Complex Projective Varieties

I study David Mumford's Algebraic Geometry I - Complex Projective Varieties and have some problems to understand a step in the proof of Lemma 6.7 (b). Firstly, the general setting & preparations ...
user267839's user avatar
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Infinitely small intersections with nef $\mathbb R$-Cartier divisors

Suppose $X/\mathbb C$ is a projective $\mathbb Q$-factorial variety with wild singularities. Let $N$ be a nef $\mathbb R$-Cartier divisor. Then is it possible that there are infinitely many curves $...
Li Yutong's user avatar
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Fundamental groups of complements of divisors in $\mathbb P^2$

Let $D$ be a divisor in $\mathbb P^2_{\mathbb C}$ and let $X= \mathbb P^2_{\mathbb C} - D$. Under what condition on $D$ is the fundamental group of $X$ infinite?
Levit's user avatar
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Is there a divisor in $\mathbb P^2$ such that all analytic maps into its complement algebraize?

Is there a closed subscheme $D$ in $\mathbb P^2_{\mathbb C}$ pure of codimension one such that, for all algebraic varieties $X$ over $\mathbb C$, any analytic map $$ \phi: X(\mathbb C) \to \mathbb P^...
Lars's user avatar
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A necessary condition for existence of Ricci flat metric on pair (X,D)

Let $X$ be a complex compact manifold with simple normal crossing divisor $D$. Is the condition $K_X +D = 0$ necessary for the existence of Ricci-flat metric?
Jarek's user avatar
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Family $(X_y,D_y)$ with trivial canonical bundles

Let $i:D\hookrightarrow X$ and $f : X \to Y$ be holomorphic mappings of complex manifolds such that $i$ is a closed embedding and $f$ as well as$ f \circ i$ are proper and smooth and $D$ is a divisor. ...
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a question on the space of divisors on a curve

Let $X$ a complex curve and $x\in X$ a point. We consider the space of effective divisors $D$ with fixed degree $d$, whic we know is isomorphic to $X^{d}/S_{d}$ where $S_{d}$ is the symmetric group. ...
prochet's user avatar
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Embedded resolution of singularities

I'd like to check with my colleagues whether I have correctly understood "embedded resolution of singularities". Let $X$ be a nonsingular projective variety over $\mathbf C$ and let $D$ be a "nice" ...
Dan W's user avatar
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Cone of movable curves

Let $X$ be a smooth complex projective variety of dimension $n$. Under the duality between $N_1(X)$ and $N^1(X)$ we know that closure of cone of effective curves $\overline{NE}(X)$ is dual to closure ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Ample divisors on blown-up projective space

Let $\mathbb{P}=\mathrm{Proj}(\mathbb{C}[x_0,\ldots,x_n])$ be complex projective $n$-space. Assume I have linear subvarieties $L_1,\ldots,L_k\in\mathbb{P}$ of codimension $r_i\ge 2$, respectively. Let ...
Jesko Hüttenhain's user avatar
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Generalisations of Riemann-Roch for surfaces

Let $X$ be a smooth projective algebraic surface (over $\mathbb{C}$ ). For all $L\in \mathrm{Pic}(X)$, we have $$\chi(L)=\chi(\mathcal{O}_X)+\frac{1}{2}(L^2-L\cdot \omega_X).$$ This is the famous ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar