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Does every connected set that is not a line segment cross some dyadic square?

A dyadic square is a subset of $R^2$ of the form $x + 2^{-n} [0,1]^2$ with $x \in 2^{-m} Z^2$, for integers $m,n \geq 0$. We say that a set $A$ crosses a square $S$ if there exists a connected subset ...
Kevin Johnson's user avatar
10 votes
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Interpolating points with minimum curvature constraint

I have $n$ points $p_i$ strictly interior to a rectangle $R$, and I would like to connect them with a curve $C$ whose curvature is as low as possible. Let $\kappa_\max(C)$ be the sharpest (largest ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes
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Arrangement of points, lines, and planes

Is it possible to construct a finite nontrivial arrangement of points, lines, and planes in 3-dimensional Euclidean space with the following properties? every line is incident with four points and ...
Daniel Sebald's user avatar
5 votes
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Trade-off between covering number, ball radius and diameter of $d$-dimensional shapes

Given any $d$-dimensional shape $X$ in the Euclidean space, let $\ell(X)$ be the length of the longest line segment connecting two points of $X$. How can we prove the following statement? There exists ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
3 votes
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A canonical map from a Euclidean cone-manifold $M^3$ to $\mathbb{E}^3/\mathrm{Hol}(M)$

Suppose we have a 3-dimensional Euclidean cone-manifold $M$—in my book that just means $M$ is a manifold whose geometry is constructed by gluing it out of Euclidean tetrahedra, with faces paired by ...
Tom Sharpe's user avatar
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Volume of intersection of a ball and cube with arbitrary position in $n$ dimension

Let $ A(n, r, x) = B^n_r(x) \cap [0,1]^n $ denote the intersection between an $n$ ball $B^n_r(x)$ with arbitrary radius $r$ and arbitrary center $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ that intersects a unit $n$ cube $ [...
random_shape's user avatar
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Upper bounds for minimum angle

What are the latest and best results on the asymptotic upper bound for the minimum angle between any pair of rays among $n$ rays in $\mathbb{R}^3$? Any helpful answer would be appreciated. Thank you!
Don's user avatar
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