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A question on fractional derivatives

I know practically nothing about fractional calculus so I apologize in advance if the following is a silly question. I already tried on math.stackexchange. I just wanted to ask if there is a notion of ...
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Prove a $C^{\infty}$ multivariable function is lipchitz via Jacobian matrix [closed]

I would like to prove a real $C^{\infty}$(polynomial) multivariable function $F : (a_1,a_2,...a_n) \rightarrow (b_1,b_2,...b_n) $ is lipchitz of parameter $l$ is it sufficient to prove the norm of ...
SC_thesard's user avatar
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Derivate involving Bessel function of second type

Let. $$f := (x, y) \mapsto \text{BesselK}(1, c \cdot (a - b \cdot (x + y))) \cdot \exp(c \cdot b \cdot (y - x))$$ Is there a close formula for this $$\frac{\partial^{m+n}}{\partial y^m \partial x^n} f(...
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