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Existence of linear disjointness between an algebraic number field and $p$-cyclotomic field over $ \mathbb{Q}$

Suppose $ K $ be an algebraic number field and $ n $ be an even integer. Is it possible to find atleast one $ p $ such that $ p\equiv 1( \text{mod}~ n)$ and $ \mathbb{Q}(\eta_p) $ is linearly disjoint ...
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Not containing $ 2^{i}$-th primitive roots of unity in cyclic galois extension of number field

Suppose $K$ is an algebraic number field. We want to determine whether, for all even $n$, there always exists a cyclic Galois extension $L$ of degree $n$ over $K$ such that the intermediate field $K_2$...
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How to describe the automorphisms of $\mathbb{Q}(\theta)$ that fix $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-m})$

Suppose $m > 0$ is a square free integer and $m \equiv 1 $mod $4$. Then the $K = \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-m})$ is a subfield of $L = \mathbb{Q}(\theta)$, where $\theta$ is a primitive $4m$-th root of ...
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Definition of Euler system of cyclotomic units

I am not sure about my understanding of Euler system of cyclotomic unit. This is what I have learnt: Let $F=\mathbb{Q}(\mu_m)$. Let $\mathcal{I}(m)$ = {positive square free integers divisible only by ...
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1 answer

How to find a cyclotomic polynomial of degree d that decompose into d irreducible polynomials in $Z_6$?

More specifically, I need the degree $d$ to be around 1024. I can easily find the cyclotomic polynomial of degree 1024 that satisfies the above requirement in $Z_2$, i.e., $x^{1024}+1$, which is equal ...
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On largest degree of polynomial related to cyclotomic polynomials - I

We know cyclotomic polynomials $\Phi_{2^kp^rq^m}(x)$ have coefficients in $\{0,\pm1\}$. What is the largest degree $f_{d,n}(x)=\frac{x^{2^{k}p^{r}q^{m}}-1}{\Phi_d(x)}$ with $\{0,\pm1\}$ coefficients ...