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On a compact operator in the plane

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^2$ be a bounded domain with a smooth boundary. Let $$\bar{\partial}= \frac{1}{2} ( \partial_{x^1} + i \,\partial_{x^2}),$$ and let $G: L^2(\Omega)\to H^2(\Omega)$ be the ...
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Why should I look at the resolvent formalism and think it is a useful tool for spectral theory?

Wikipedia calls resolvent formalism a useful tool for relating complex analysis to studying the spectra of a linear operator on a Banach space. Sure, I believe you because I've seen results that use ...
William Bell's user avatar
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What is the character space of $\mathcal P(K)$?

Let $K$ be a compact subset of $\Bbb C$. Let $\mathcal P(K)$ be the closed algebra generated by the complex polynomials on $K$. What is the character space $\Phi_{\mathcal P(K)}$ of $\mathcal P(K)$?...
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