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factorising an integer with certain bound on the factors

Can we count the no. of $x$ where $ p^{\alpha -1} < x < p^{\alpha}$ , $gcd(x, 2p)=1$ and if $d |x$ and $d < p ^{\beta}$ for some $1< \beta<\alpha-1$ then $ \frac {x} {d} > p^{\alpha -...
Kamalakshya's user avatar
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How to choose a prime p s.t. n-th cyclotomic polynomial splits into as much as possible irreducible polynomials while p is almost constant size?

The reason I ask this question is that cyclotomic polynomial is critical to the construction of lattice-based cryptography. In most of the existing lattice-based cryptographic schemes, $n$ is usually ...
user67451's user avatar
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Hardness of solving $0=\sum_{i=1}^k \operatorname{linear}_i(x_1,\ldots,x_n)^D$ over the rationals

This is related to cryptography and this question and another question. In short, we are asking about decomposing multivariate polynomial as sum of perfect powers of linear polynomials. Working over $\...
joro's user avatar
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Method of Coppersmith optimal for multivariate?

It is shown that Coppersmith method yields optimal integer root extraction for univariate polynomials in and a follow up work attempts this for bivariate polynomials ...
Turbo's user avatar
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