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Arithmetic triangles and unimodality of its rows

Let's consider the sequence of coefficients of $\prod_{i}\frac {1-x^{d_i}} {1-x}$, where $d_i$ is a monotonically increasing nonnegative integer sequence. How to prove that the coefficients form an ...
Mikhail Gaichenkov's user avatar
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The number of permutations of given order

I want to count the number of permutations of the given order $k$ in $S_n\;(\sigma^k=id,\sigma^l\neq id\;for\;l<k)$. I found some works about that problem, but they are more general than necessary. ...
Ivan Molotov's user avatar
9 votes
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Important combinatorial and algebraic interpretations of the coefficients in the polynomial $[n]!_q = (1+q)(1+q+q^2) \ldots (1+q+\cdots + q^{n-1})$

What are some important combinatorial and algebraic interpretations of the coefficients in the polynomial $$[n]!_q = (1+q)(1+q+q^2) \ldots (1+q+\cdots + q^{n-1})?$$ As motivation, I will give ...
8 votes
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Number of occurrences of certain generators in expressions in Coxeter groups

Let $W$ be a Coxeter group (finite or infinite) with (finite) set $S$ of Coxeter generators, and let $I \subseteq S$ be some subset. If $w\in W$ then I call $m_I(w)$ the minimum total number of ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Reference request: Reduced reflection length in Coxeter groups

I recently read this paper, where the authors define on page 26 what they call the reduced reflection length. For that we take a Coxeter group $G$ with Coxeter generators $S$ and transpositions $T$. ...
Dirk's user avatar
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Number of trivializations of a trivial word in the free group

Let $M$ be the free monoid on $2n$ generators $x_1,X_1,...,x_n,X_n$ and consider the set $T$ of all those elements of $M$ which map to 1 of the free group on $x_1,...,x_n$ under the homomorphism $\pi$ ...
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