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Nonlinear-PDE arising from flat conformal Chebyshev nets

Consider a flat, simply connected surface endowed with the Riemannian metric $g_0=e^{2\Omega(u,v)}\left(\mathbb{d}^2u +\mathbb{d}^2v \right)$, so that $\Omega(u,v)$ is an arbitrary harmonic function. ...
Daniel Castro's user avatar
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Non-linear, hyperbolic, 2nd order system of PDEs

This is a cross-post. In the context of two dimensional elasticity theory, when considering deformations of flat membranes into spherical caps, one encounters the following hyperbolic system \begin{...
Daniel Castro's user avatar
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Deformation gradient conservation law from Lagrangian to Eulerian formulation

In the following, I use the standard notation for (solid) mechanics and conservation laws, i.e. $F$ the formation gradient, $H$ the cofactor, $v$ the velocity field and $J$ the Jacobian. Moreover, $X$ ...
Dash's user avatar
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