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2 answers

Can one obtain this ODE as an Euler-Lagrange equation?

Some of the second order ODE can be considered as Euler-Lagrange equations for an appropriate Lagrangian. However this is true not for arbitrary second order equation. But some of important equations ...
alexa's user avatar
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Inverse problem of the calculus of variations for autonomous second-order ODEs

Consider the following particular case of the inverse problem of the calculus of variations: given a system of second-order equations $$ \ddot{q}^i = f^i(q, \dot{q}, t), \quad i = 1, \dots, n, \label{...
A. J. Pan-Collantes's user avatar
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Formulation of contour variational problem

I am having difficulty formulating a problem, which involves optimizing a contour shape, into a well-posed variational form that would give a reasonable answer. Within a bounded region on the $xy$ ...
user135626's user avatar
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Brachistochrone for a rolling sphere with slippage

I was recently looking into generalisations of the brachistochrone problem: for example, in this article the authors study the brachistochrone with Amontons-Coulomb friction where a bead slides along ...
Hollis Williams's user avatar
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Optimal contour shape for variational problem over captured area

Let's assume we have a continuous and finite scalar function $f(x,y)$ over the $xy$ plane ($\mathbb{R}^{2}$) and this function is to be integrated over a bounded area (surface) $A\subset\mathbb{R}^{2}...
user135626's user avatar