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Non-abelian ray class fields for local fields

Let $K$ be a non-Archimedean local field. Then, thanks to work of Koch (when $K$ has positive characteristic) and Jannsen-Wingberg (when $K$ has characteristic zero, and odd residual characteristic) ...
Riccardo Pengo's user avatar
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Uniqueness of class field theory map

Let $F$ be a local field of characteristic 0. The main theorems in local class field theory can be summarized by the existence of a group $W_F$ and a map $$ \phi_F:W_F\to W_F^\mathrm{ab}\simeq F^\...
Mike B's user avatar
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Does Langlands use the geometric Frobenius or the classical Frobenius in his papers?

In several of Langlands' papers: Representations of Abelian Algebraic Groups, On Artin's L-functions, On the Functional Equation of Artin's L-functions, Langlands takes a finite Galois extension $K/F$ ...
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The definition of Langlands' L-function $L(s,\pi,r)$ in the case of $\operatorname{GL}_1$

Let $G$ be a split reductive group over a $p$-adic local field $k$. For $\pi$ an unramified representation of $G(k)$, and $r$ a finite dimensional representation of the L-group $^LG$, Langlands ...
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