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Log-concavity inequality

Let $x,y,$ and $t$ be fixed real numbers, $1<x<y$, $0<t<1$. Does the following inequality hold for some $c$ $$\frac{\log{(tx+(1-t)y)}}{\log^t{x}\log^{(1-t)}{y}}>\frac{\log{(sw+(1-s)z)}}{...
Josiah Park's user avatar
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Proof of an inequality for a linear combination of three trigonometric functions

Given a function $$f(t) = k_{1} \sin(t+\alpha) + k_{3} \sin(3t+\beta) + k_{5} \sin(5t+\gamma)$$ where $k_{1}, k_{3}$ and $k_{5}$ are all positive parameters, and the three phase angles, $ 0<\alpha&...
Alok Samanta's user avatar