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Galois action on the cohomology of a curve over a local field with bad reduction

Let $C/\mathbb Q_p$ (or a p-adic local field more generally) be a smooth projective curve with split semistable reduction over $\mathbb Z_p$. What can we say about the action of the Galois group $\...
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What is the action of the Galois group due to Lubin-Tate formal group on the respective Tate module?

It is a well-known fact that a Tate module $T_p(A)$ of an abelian group (abelian variety or commutative group scheme) $A$ over a field $K$, equipped with a continuous action of the respective absolute ...
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Finitely generated $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra embeds into unramified $p$-adic ring

Let $R$ be a finitely generated ring, that is, a $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra of finite type. Assume that $\operatorname{char}(R) = 0$. It follows from Noether's normalization lemma that $R$ can be embedded ...
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p-adic L functions from Selmer groups - how canonical are they?

For this question, I am going to be very concrete but very much appreciate broader viewpoints. Let $F$ be a number field and define $F_n = F(\mu_{p^n})$ and let us suppose for simplicity that $\mu_p \...
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Algebraic properties of Witt vectors $W(K^{\flat\circ})$, $K$ a characteristic 0 perfectoid field

Let $K$ be as in the title with tilt $K^\flat$. $W = W(K^{\circ\flat})$ satisfies a universal property: it is the unique $p$-adically complete $p$-torsion free $\mathbb{Z}_p$-algebra $A$ with $A / pA \...
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A Galois equivariant Weil cohomology theory with coefficients in the rational numbers and a variation of the Tate/Hodge conjecture

A well-known example of Serre shows that there can be no Weil cohomology theory with $\mathbb Q$ coefficients for schemes over $\mathbb F_{p^2}$. However, this example is no obstruction to a Weil ...
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Relation between division point of elliptic curve and formal group of elliptic curve, $\Bbb{Q}_p(E[p])=\Bbb{Q}_p(\hat{E}[p])$

Let $E/ \Bbb{Q}_p$ be an elliptic curve over $ \Bbb{Q}_p$. $\hat{E}$ denote the corresponding formal group of $E$. I want to prove $\Bbb{Q}_p(E[p])=\Bbb{Q}_p(\hat{E}[p])$. $ \hat{E}[p]$ denotes $p$ ...
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How extension $\Bbb{Q}_p(\hat{E}[p])/\Bbb{Q}_p$ looks like?

Let $E/ \Bbb{Q}_p$ be an elliptic curve over $ \Bbb{Q}_p$. $\hat{E}$ denote the corresponding formal group of $E$. I want to know what $\Bbb{Q}_p(\hat{E}[p])/\Bbb{Q}_p$ is . At first I tried to prove ...
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To justify the intuition about #$E(\Bbb Q_p)$=$∞$

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve on $\Bbb Q_p$. $E_0(\Bbb Q_p)$ is points of $E(\Bbb Q_p)$ reduced to nonsingular points. How to prove #$E(\Bbb Q_p)$=$∞$ directly ? According to Silverman's book 'the ...
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Some questions on the $p$-adic properties of special $L$-values

Warning: Some naive, speculative questions from a total non expert. Let $\rho$ be a p-adic representation of the Galois group $Gal(\overline K/K)$ for a number field $K$. We can consider the Artin L-...
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$p$-adic series bounded if and only if it has finitely many zeros

Let $L\subseteq\mathbb{C}_p$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, $r$ be a positive real number, and $f$ be a series $\sum_{n\in \mathbb{Z}} a_nz^n$ convergent in $D= \{x\in \mathbb{C}_p|0<v(x)\...
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Tube of a mod p point on a smooth Z_(p)-scheme

Let $R$ be a smooth, integral, finite-type $\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}$-algebra of relative dimension $n$ and $\overline{f} \colon R \to \mathbb{F}_p$. Then Hensel's lemma tells us that this lifts to a map $R \...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Torelli-like theorem for K3 surfaces on terms of its étale cohomology

Is there a proof of a Torelli-like Theorem for a K3-surface over any field (non complex) in terms of its etale or crystalline cohomology? For example: If $K\ne \mathbb{C} $ and $X\rightarrow \...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
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Computing a projection of a $p$-adic plane curve

Given a prime $p$ and a polynomial equation $f(x,y)=0$ with rational coefficients, I would like to obtain a precise description of the set of all numbers $y\in\mathbb Q_p$ such that the equation has a ...
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