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2 answers

Does every positive continuous function have a non-negative interpolating polynomial of every degree?

Let $f:[a,b] \to (0,\infty)$ be a continuous function. Then is it necessarily true that for every $n\ge 1$, we can find $n+1$ distinct points $\{x_0,x_1,...,x_n\}$ in $[a,b]$ such that the ...
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Given any sequence of interpolating nodes, can we find a continuous function $f$ whose interpolating polynomials doesn't converge to $f$ point-wise

Let $[a,b]$ be an interval in real line . Given any function $f:[a,b]\to \mathbb R$ and set $A \subseteq [a,b]$ of size $n+1$, there exists a unique polynomial $p_{f,A,n}(x)$ of degree $n$ such that $...
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Do higher-order splines with Lipschitz derivatives exist on finite sets?

Fix $k\in \mathbb{N}^+$ and let $E=(e_i,f_i)_{i=1}^I\subset \mathbb{R}^n\times \mathbb{R}^m$ be a non-empty finite set with $e_i\neq e_j$ whenever $i\neq j$. If $n=m=1$ then it's easy to see that: $$ ...
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For which $n$, can we find a sequence of $n+1$ distinct points s.t. the interpolating polynomial of every +ve continuous function is itself +ve

Fix an interval $[a,b]$. For which integers $n>1$, does there exist $n+1$ distinct points $\{x_0,x_1,...,x_n\}$ in $[a,b]$ such that for every continuous function $f:[a,b] \to (0,\infty)$, the ...
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For every table of interpolating nodes, there is a positive continuous function whose interpolating polynomials are not positive infinitely often

Fix an interval $[a,b]$. Is it true that for every table of interpolating nodes $\{x_{0,n},x_{1,n}...,x_{n,n}\}_{n=1}^{\infty}$, there exists a continuous function $f:[a,b]\to (0,\infty)$ such that ...
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Find $p$ s.t. there is a sequence of nodes in $[0,1]$ s.t. sequence of interpolating polynomials of every continuous function converges in $p$-norm

Let $[a,b]$ be an interval in real line . Given any function $f:[a,b]\to \mathbb R$ and set $A \subseteq [a,b]$ of size $n+1$, there exists a unique polynomial $p_{f,A,n}(x)$ of degree $n$ such that $...
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Polynomial interpolants in quadrature points and L2 convergence spectral rate

We recall that the Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial $p_n(x)$ of a function $f\in C^n(\Omega )$ for some $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}$ and $n\in \mathbb{N}$, has a pointwise error term of the form $$|...
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On different norms of the interpolating operator

Let $[a,b]$ be an interval in real line . Given any function $f:[a,b]\to \mathbb R$ and set $A \subseteq [a,b]$ of size $n+1$, there exists a unique polynomial $p_{f,A,n}(x)$ of degree $n$ such that $...
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Smallest degree of approximating polynomial

Let $\{0,1\}^n=S_0\cup S_1$ withh $S_0\cap S_1=\emptyset$. Let $\epsilon\in[\frac{1}2,1)$. Let $f:\Bbb R^n\rightarrow\Bbb R$ be a polynomial such that $$f(S_0)=0,\mbox{ }f(S_1)\subseteq[1-\epsilon,1+...
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Greedy interpolation of functions

Let $f:[-1,1]\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous function. Consider the following greedy algorithm for interpolation: Set $r_0 = f$. for $k = 0,1,\ldots,$ Find the location of the global ...
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