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The induced map between push outs in an exact infinity category

Let $(\mathcal{C} , \mathcal{M} , \mathcal{E})$ be an exact $\infty$-category. (I am following the definition in Higher Segal Spaces $I$ by Dyckerhoff and Kapranov). Assume that $F$ is a cofiberation ...
Arash Karimi's user avatar
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rational homology of SO(2,1) over number fields

Let $\mathrm{SO}(2,1)$ be the special orthogonal group defined by the quadratic from $q(x,y,z)=x^2+y^2-z^2$. This is a connected non-simpy connected algebraic group. Now, let $F$ be a number field, ...
Claudio Bravo's user avatar
7 votes
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Algebraic K-theory and Witt groups

Let $S$ be a ring with involution (with 2 invertible). Suppose that the non connective algebraic K-theory $K(S)$ is 0 (i.e. $K_{n}(S)=0$, for all $n$). Can we say something about the (higher) Witt ...
cellular's user avatar
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Group completion of a monoid (braid groups)

Let $B_n$ be the braid group on $n$ strands, $B_{\infty}$ the direct limit of braid groups. For a discrete group $G$, we let $BG$ to be the classifying space of $G$. After reading this question, I was ...
May's user avatar
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12 votes
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Plus construction on Simplicial Sets?

I had asked this question in Math StackExchange a few days ago, but didn't get any answers. I believe its more suitable to be asked here. Write $\mathsf{sSet}$ for the category of simplicial sets and $...
wind's user avatar
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8 votes
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The homotopy inverse on Quillen's $S^{-1}S$ construction

Suppose $S$ is a symmetric monoidal groupoid. Take Quillen and Grayson's $S^{-1}S$-construction, which is a symmetric monoidal category with objects given by pairs $(m,n)$ and maps given by ...
Georg Lehner's user avatar
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4 votes
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The $E$-(co)homology of $\mathrm{BGL}(R)^+$ and the algebraic $K$-theory of $R$

$\DeclareMathOperator\BGL{BGL}$In the paper, 'Two-primary Algebraic $K$-theory of rings of integers in number fields', Rognes and Weibel compute the $2$-torsion part in the algebraic $K$-theory of the ...
atinag's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why isn't the anchor map in Lurie's "Rotation Invariance in Algebraic K-Theory" zero?

I think this is a silly question, but I'm quite confused. In Lurie's "Rotation Invariance In Algebraic K-Theory" Notation 3.2.4. he defines a filtered spectrum $\mathbb{A}$ given by $$\...
Colin Aitken's user avatar
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Generalisations of Volodin's construction of algebraic K-theory

In a previous question I asked about uses of Volodin's construction of the algebraic K-theory of rings. Some of these are striking and it made me wonder whether those proofs can be extended. This ...
user124543's user avatar
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construction of $K_0$-group and Karoubian completion

Let $A$ be a ring. The $K_0$ group of $A$ can be defined in most old fashioned way as the Grothendieck group of the set of isomorphism classes of its finitely generated projective $R$ modules, ...
user267839's user avatar
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pseudo-abelian category / Karoubian category in K-theory

A pseudo-abelian category or Karoubian category $\mathcal{C}$ is a preaditive category such that every idempotent morphism $i: A \to A$ in $\mathcal{C}$ has a kernel and consequently a cokernel as ...
user267839's user avatar
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11 votes
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Solving polynomial equations in spectra?

Let $M$ be the mod-$p$ Moore spectrum where $p \geq 3$ is a (power of) a prime. Then $M$ satisfies the "polynomial equation" $M \wedge M \cong M \oplus \Sigma M$. Is this a general ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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12 votes
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Homological stability and Waldhausen A-theory

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Diff}{Diff}$ From the work of Galatius - Randall-Williams and Berglund - Madsen we have homological stability (with respect to g) of $B\Diff_\partial (W_{g,1})$ and rational ...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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Does the Whitehead torsion of a homotopy equivalence depend on the CW structure?

In the (old) literature I've seen referenced the question of whether simple homotopy equivalence is a topological property, i.e. whether it depends only on the underlying space, rather than the ...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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9 votes
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Roadmap for Quillen 1

Question Suppose you grasped and enjoyed reading Quillen's "Higher Algebraic K-theory I". Now, if you could go back in time to when you started studying algebraic topology and create a reading list / ...
Quetzalcoatl's user avatar
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Homotopy invariant analogues of localizing invariants

Given a localizing invariant, $E$, valued in spectra, by following the recipe prescribed in 3.13 of, we can define a homotopy-invariant version of $E$ on $H\mathbb{Z}$-...
Liam Keenan's user avatar
5 votes
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Topological Hochschild homology using equivariant orthogonal spectra

In the Hesselholt-Madsen paper "On the K-theory of finite algebras over Witt vectors of perfect fields", the authors develop some results concerning the Topological Hochschild homology (THH) of ...
shubhankar's user avatar
3 votes
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Spherical objects and K-theory

My question goes as follows: given a ring $R$ (with $1\neq 0$). Define $\mathbf{Perf}_{R}$ the the category of Prefect complexes over $R$. I want to prove that the Waldhausen $K$-theory of the ...
Let's user avatar
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Modern context for hypercohomology spectra

In Thomason's paper Algebraic K-theory and étale cohomology, (Ann. ENS 1985, Numdam link) Thomason develops an elaborate theory of hypercohomology spectra, $\mathbb{H}(X,\mathcal{F})$ for presheafs of ...
shubhankar's user avatar
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Homotopy type of a $4$-manifold with finite fundamental group (paper by S. Bauer)

I'm studying Stefan Bauer's paper The homotopy type of a 4-manifold with finite fundamental group. In: tom Dieck T. (eds) Algebraic Topology and Transformation Groups. Lecture Notes in Mathematics,...
user267839's user avatar
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Descent properties of topological Hochschild homology

Question: What is the finest topology on $\mathrm{CAlg}$ (commutative ring spectra) for which THH (Topological Hochschild Homology) satisfies descent? Adaptations of the arguments appearing in ...
Liam Keenan's user avatar
11 votes
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$K_3(\mathbb{Z})$ and $\pi ^S_3$

This is an afterthought on this MO question, and also on Gannon's book mentioned there, about $K_3(\mathbb{Z})=\mathbb{Z}/48$. Neither the question nor the book mentions a possible connection with the ...
abx's user avatar
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Homotopy equivalence of $K$-theory and $G$-theory

Let $X$ be regular variety then it is known that $Q(Vect(X))\cong Q(\mathcal{M}_X)$. Where $Q$ is the Quillen's q-construction and $\mathcal{M}_X$ is the category of coherent sheaves on $X$. You can ...
user127776's user avatar
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Effects of the first algebraic K-theory on the higher algebraic K-theory

Is there any counterexamples known to the following statement? ($A$ a regular noetherian integral domain of finite Krull dimension) If $A^{\times}$ is finitely generated then $K_n(A)$ is finitely ...
user127776's user avatar
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Adams operation on Q-construction of fields

Let $F$ be a field that we want to compute its rational algebraic $K$-theory using the Quillen's $Q$-construction. Let $QF$ be the $Q$ construction of the category of finite dimensional vector spaces ...
user127776's user avatar
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Adams operation on the rational homology

The Adams operation acts on the algebraic $K$-theory of $R$ but the action as far as I know doesn't come from a endo-functor on the category of projective modules over $R$. For the $K_0$ there is an ...
user127776's user avatar
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Why $K(X) \longrightarrow G (X)$ is a Poincaré duality for K-theory?

It's well known that for Noetherian separated regular schemes the canonical map $$K(X) \longrightarrow G(X)$$ (Quillen uses $K'$ instead of $G$, though) is a weak equivalence. This statement is ...
user40276's user avatar
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Is algebraic $K$-theory a motivic spectrum?

I've received conflicting messages on this point -- on the one hand, I've been told that "forming a natural home for algebraic $K$-theory" was one motivation for the development of motivic homotopy ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Direct proof of the equivalence of symmetric monoidal $K$-theory and exact sequence $K$-theory?

When all exact sequences split in $C$, we have $\Omega B C \simeq K(C):=\Omega Q(C)$. Heuristically, this is because the space of upper-triangular matrices is contractible. Can this be made precise? I ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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$K$-theory backwards

Let $R$ be a ring. The $K$-theory of $(Mod(R)^{f.g.proj},\oplus)$ is obtained by first throwing out non-isomorphisms and then group completing. What happens if these steps are reversed? That is, ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Waldhausen $K$-theory before group completion

$K$-theory is often billed as the "universal way to split exact sequences". But it seems we're too anxious to group-complete things to actually take the slogan at face value. Consider the following $\...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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6 votes
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Do topological commutative monoids model all 0-connective spectra (after group completion)?

Of course, before group completion, topological commutative monoids do not model all connected $E_\infty$ spaces -- among the grouplike ones, they model only products of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces. But ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Do symmetric monoidal groupoids model all connective spectra?

Thomason showed that symmetric monoidal categories model all connective spectra. But can it be done with groupoids? In order for this to be the case, the group completion prices process must be very ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Etale and Algebraic K-theory with rational coefficients

We know that the Quillen-Lichtenbaum conjecture, now proved by Rost, Voevodsky, and Weibel, says that for smooth finite type $k$-schemes $X$, etale and algebraic $K$-theory with finite coefficient $\...
user97282's user avatar
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Algebraic K theory, Karoubi completion and splitting

Suppose $\mathcal{C}\subset \mathcal{C}'$ is a pair of pre-triangulated smooth DG categories over a characteristic-zero basefield (say, $\mathbb{C}$), such that $\mathcal{C}$ is faithfully embedded in ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
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When does algebraic K theory behave like a cohomology theory

Let $\mathbb{F}$ be a field. Let $K(\mathbb{F})$ be its algebraic (Quillen) $K$-theory spectrum. Let $X$ be a (nice, finite CW) topological space and let $\text{Rep}\Omega(X)$ be the DG category of (...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
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Goodwillie's notes from MSRI Lecture Series

Does anyone know where I can find an electronic version of Goodwillie's (unpublished) notes from the MSRI Lecture Series in Spring, 1990? They're mentioned/cited as such in work of Dundas-McCarthy, ...
Juan Villeta-Garcia's user avatar
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$K_0$ an $KH_0$ of a normal crossing variety

Let $k$ be a field (say, algebraically closed to fix the ideas) and let $X$ be a strict (aka simple) normal crossing variety over $k$, so that $X$ is union of regular varieties with intersection that ...
math001's user avatar
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Map between homotopy groups of O, related to J-homomorphism and K-theory of Z

Let $s \geq 0$ be fixed. The $J$-homomorphism includes $\pi_{8s+1}(SO) = \mathbb Z/2$ in $\pi_{8s+1}^s$, the $(8s+1)$-th stable homotopy group of spheres. Now regard $\pi_{8s+1}^s = \pi_{8s+1} ((B\...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
12 votes
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The multiplication on $THH$ of finite fields

Let $k$ be a finite field, $THH(k)$ its topological Hochschild homology spectrum. For essentially formal reasons, we know that it's an $E_\infty$-algebra over the Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectrum $Hk$, and ...
Aaron Royer's user avatar
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Is there a category whose isomorphisms are precisely the simple homotopy equivalences?

If we start with the category of finite complexes and continuous maps, and then identify two morphisms iff they are homotopic, we get the homotopy category of finite complexes, and it is trivial to ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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19 votes
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Besides $F_q$, for which rings $R$ is $K_i(R)$ completely known?

With the exception of finite fields and "trivial examples", which rings $R$ are such that Quillen's algebraic $K$ groups $K_i(R)$ are completely known for all $i\geq 0$? Here, by "trivial examples" ...
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Can any suspension spectrum be realized as Waldhausen K-theory?

If we consider the category of finite, pointed sets and declare cofibrations to be inclusions and weak equivalences to be bijections, we get a Waldhausen category whose $K$-theory spectrum is the ...
Dylan Wilson's user avatar
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Algebraic K-theory and Homotopy Sheaves

Recently, when I was reading the definition of higher algebraic K-theory, I tried to give myself some motivation by looking at derived algebraic geometry. The constructions for algebraic K-theory ...
nerses's user avatar
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Plus construction considerations.

In order to realise the K-groups of a ring as the homotopy groups of some space associated to that ring, Quillen proposed the following (roughly-sketched) construction: Recall that $K_1(R) = GL(R)/E(...
Joshua Seaton's user avatar
34 votes
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Is every ''group-completion'' map an acyclic map?

I start with a longer discussion which will result in a precise version of the question. I am puzzled about an issue with the Quillen plus construction. I have seen outstanding experts being confused ...
Johannes Ebert's user avatar
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homotopy domination that splits a non-split epimorphism and still wants to be a homotopy equivalence

Can a homotopy domination by a space supporting a free action of $G$ be promoted to a homotopy equivalence with such a space? As stated, this is not a serious question (multiply by an $EG$). But with ...
Sergey Melikhov's user avatar