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6 votes
1 answer

Quiver variety, generically symplectic

Theorem 11.3.1 (iv) of "Noncommutative Geometry and Quiver algebras" by Crawley-Boevey, Etingof and Ginzburg claims that, for a dimension vector $\mathbf{d}\in\Sigma_0$, the quiver variety $...
5 votes
1 answer

Descent of vector bundle along branched cover of curve

Suppose $\pi:C'\to C$ is a branched cover of compact Riemann surfaces such that the associated extension of function fields is Galois with group $G$ -- so that $\pi$ presents $C$ as the quotient $C'$ ...
22 votes
2 answers

A royal road to Coulomb branches of 3D $\mathcal{N}=4$ gauge theories

So, I've been very interested recently with the developements of the (now mathematically precise) theory of Coulomb branches - in particular because of its recent applications on representation theory ...
11 votes
2 answers

Classification of symplectic resolutions

A. Okounkov said, "symplectic resolutions are Lie algebras of the 21st century." Is there a conjecture on the classification of symplectic resolutions? Do Braverman-Finkelberg-Nakajima Coulomb ...
7 votes
1 answer

Bialynicki-Birula Decomposition and moment polytopes/graphs

Let $X$ be a possibly singular projective scheme which admits a torus $T$ action and has finitely many $T$ fixed points and one-dimensional $T-$orbits. There are many such schemes in the Grassmannian/...
2 votes
1 answer

connectedness of fibers of torus-equivariant moment maps

Given a possibly singular, connected, symplectic algebraic variety with a torus action, every fiber of the moment map admits a torus action. Is each fiber of this moment map connected? Any examples or ...
2 votes
2 answers

Semistability in GIT

If I understand correctly, in geometric invariant theory, polystable points can be defined as those which have a closed orbit. Is it true that semistable points can be characterized as those whose ...
3 votes
0 answers

Integral Homology of GIT Quotients

Is there any example of GIT quotients of linear actions on a Euclidean space ${\mathbb C}^n$ that satisfy the following conditions? The quotient is compact and smooth. The homology of the quotient ...
4 votes
0 answers

Fibers of torus equivariant moment maps

Given a closed (possibly singular) projective variety $V$ with a symplectic structure and a torus action, there is a moment map $\mu: V \rightarrow Lie(T)^*$. Note that the dimension of $T$ could be ...
14 votes
2 answers

Information from Moment Polytopes

Let $T$ be a compact real torus, and $X$ a Hamiltonian $T$-manifold (which you may take to be a smooth complex projective variety) with moment map $\mu:X\rightarrow\frak{t}^*$. If $\dim(T)=\frac{1}{2}\...
6 votes
4 answers

Prequantization and Hilbert space

In the definition of pre-quantization on a symplectic manifold $(M,\omega)$, we represent a function $f\in C^{\infty}(M)$(with Lie algebra structure) to $\hat{f}$ in the Hilbert space $L^2(M,L,\mu)$ ...
6 votes
1 answer

Splitting principle in equivariant cohomology

The following is a weaker version of what is called splitting principle in Appendix C, page 12, see also for a lighter version Brions Eq cohom and eq intersection theory, page 6: Let $G$ be a compact ...