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Global generation of $S^n \Omega_X$ for a fake projective plane

Let $X$ be a fake projective plane, namely, a compact complex surface with $$p_g(X)=q(X)=0, \quad K_X^2=9$$ and $K_X$ ample. Since $K_X^2=9 \chi(\mathcal{O}_X)$, Yau's celebrated proof of the Calabi ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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Lower bound for $h^0(X, \operatorname{Sym}^n \Omega_X)$

This is a weaker version of my previous (unanswered) question MO429574. Let us start with a smooth, ample divisor $X$ in an abelian threefold $A$. It is a surface of general type such that $\Omega_X$ ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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Can the base of an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold be an Enriques surface?

For this question, a Calabi-Yau manifold or variety of dimension $n$ is defined as a non-singular projective variety with trivial canonical bundle and $h^{i,0} = 0$ unless $i = 0$ or $i = n$. If ...
doetoe's user avatar
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Computation of $H^i(X, \, \operatorname{Sym}^n \Omega_X)$ for a surface of general type $(i=0, \, 1)$

Let $X$ be a smooth, complex surface of general type such that $\Omega_X$ is globally generated, and let $n \geq 2$ be a natural number. Question. Is there a way to compute $h^i(X, \, \operatorname{...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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Reducible surface as a degeneration

I am interested in the following situation. If $S_1\cup_D S_2$ is a union of two irreducible smooth projective surfaces over $k=\overline{k}$(over $k=\mathbb{C}$ is enough, if it's relevant) glued ...
Sungwoo's user avatar
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Surface with $\Omega_X$ globally generated and singular Albanese image

This question is inspired by abx's comment to my previous question MO430933. Let $X$ be a complex surface of general type, and denote by $$a \colon X \to \operatorname{Alb}(X)$$ the Albanese map of $X$...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
3 votes
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Historical proof of Leschetz Hyperplane Theorem

I browse in Phillip Griffiths' Slides on historical development of Hodge-theory and these include a sketch of the original approach with Lefschetz used to study complex surfaces in his famous ...
user267839's user avatar
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Elliptic fibration arising from a higher genus linear system

Let $H$ be a very ample linear system on a smooth compact complex surface $X$ whose Kodaira dimension is $\geq 0$. A general element of $H$ is smooth and has genus $\geq 2$. Let $L\subset H$ be a ...
Alan Muniz's user avatar
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Contracting rational curves on surfaces and getting something non-algebraic

Recently I posted an "announcement" on arxiv where I said something to the effect of "this is the first example we know where contracting (a tree of) rational curves from a non-singular algebraic ...
pinaki's user avatar
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canonical bundle of Abelian surface fibrations

For minimal surfaces admitting an elliptic fibration over a smooth curve, there is a famous analysis of possible singular fibers and a canonical bundle formula due to Kodaira. There are two papers of ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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surfaces with effective first Chern class

Let $S$ be a smooth complex surface, If $c_1(S) \in N_1(S)$ is nef and non-torsion, then we know that this would imply some restrictions on the cone of effective curves (and surface itself)--see the ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Abelian subvarieties corresponding to vector subspaces

Let $S$ be a connected smooth projective surface. Let $C$ a smooth curve on $S$ In page 9 of the paper "" a read the following: Let \begin{equation*} r: ...
Roxana's user avatar
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Rational classes of $(-2)$-curves in a minimal surface of general type

Let $X$ be a minimal surface of general type over $\mathbb{C}$. One can show that if for any set of $(-2)$-curves $C_1,\cdots,C_l$ on $X$, there exists $k$, $1\le k\le l$ such that $$\sum_{i=1}^k\...
astana's user avatar
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Lefschetz Theorem in Dolgachev's On automorphisms of Enriques Surfaces

Let $F$ be a Enriques surface over $\Bbb C$. I have a question about a detail in the proof of Proposition 2.1. from Dolgachev's On automorphisms of Enriques surfaces. This 2.1. Proposition. states ...
user267839's user avatar
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Explicit adjunction formula and local top form

I am reading the section 4.2 in Kollar-Mori, where they provide the explicit equations for Du Val Singularities. In the course of the proof, they reduce to studying the equation $x^2+f(x,y)=0$ in a ...
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