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2 votes
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Arbitrary base change of a parahoric subgroup in split case

Assume $R\subset R'$ are henselien discretly valued rings with fraction field $K$ and $K'$, $G$ is a semisimple split group over $K$. Consider the parahoric group scheme $\mathcal{P}_F$ over $R$ ...
4 votes
0 answers

Reference request - conjugacy classes over local fields

Is there a nice reference for reductive groups over local fields, which for example contains discussion of things such as: Given a semisimple element in $G(F)$, its $G(F)$-conjugacy class is closed in ...
9 votes
1 answer

Characters of simply connected semsimple algebraic groups over local fields

Let $G$ be a semisimple algebraic group over $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Then by definition $G$ admits no non-trivial algebraic characters, i.e. homomorphisms $G \to \mathbb{G}_m$. However, it is quite possible ...
2 votes
0 answers

Converging sequence of base change

Here is a natural question that I hope will be of interest to some. Let $\mathbf{F}_p(\!(T)\!)$ be the field of formal Laurent series over $\mathbf{F}_p$. An automorphism of $\mathbf{F}_p(\!(T)\!)$ ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is $G \rightarrow G/P$ surjective on $K$-points over a local field?

Let $K$ be a local field, $G$ a (connected) reductive $K$-group, and $P \le G$ a parabolic subgroup. Is the map $G(K) \rightarrow (G/P)(K)$ necessarily surjective, and, if so, then why?
2 votes
2 answers

Compact elements in $G(K)$ for a reductive group $G$ over a nonarchimedean local field $K$

Let $K$ be a nonarchimedean local field and $G$ a (connected) reductive group over $K$, so that $G(K)$ carries a natural topology. An element $g \in G(K)$ is compact if it is contained in a compact ...
4 votes
0 answers

Cartan decomposition for upper triangular matrices

Due to the comments, I have the impression that I have to be more precise. Consider $G= GL_n(F)$ for a non-Archimedean field $F$ with ring of integers $o$. Let $K= GL_n(o)$ and let $I$ the Iwahori ...