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Proof of Giroux's correspondence

It is extensively used and cited the following statement due to Giroux: Given a closed $3$-manifold $M$, there is a $1:1$ correspondence between oriented contact structures on $M$ up to isotopy and ...
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Where are $+$, $-$ and $\infty$ in bordered Heegaard-Floer theory?

Here goes my first MO-question. I've just read Lipshitz, Ozsváth and Thurston's recently updated "A tour of bordered Floer theory". To set the stage let me give two quotes from this paper. Heegaard ...
Stefan Behrens's user avatar
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contact structure on 3 manifolds

every orientable closed 3-manifold admits a contact structure. how we can construct this contact structure? if the manifold is prime what will happen?
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