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24 votes
3 answers

Proof of Giroux's correspondence

It is extensively used and cited the following statement due to Giroux: Given a closed $3$-manifold $M$, there is a $1:1$ correspondence between oriented contact structures on $M$ up to isotopy and ...
0 votes
0 answers

contact structure on 3 manifolds

every orientable closed 3-manifold admits a contact structure. how we can construct this contact structure? if the manifold is prime what will happen?
15 votes
1 answer

Where are $+$, $-$ and $\infty$ in bordered Heegaard-Floer theory?

Here goes my first MO-question. I've just read Lipshitz, Ozsváth and Thurston's recently updated "A tour of bordered Floer theory". To set the stage let me give two quotes from this paper. Heegaard ...