Here is a hint. Let me begin with a formal calculus. The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula tells you that
$$e^{-Y}e^{-X}e^{X+Y}\sim e^{\frac12[Y,X]},$$
where $[\cdot,\cdot]$ is the commutator. Applying this to
$$X=t\Delta,\quad Y=tf,$$
we find that, for small $t>0$, $e^{-tf}ST$ should behave as $e^{\frac12 t^2L}$ where
$$L=[f,\Delta]=-\Delta f-2\nabla f\cdot\nabla.$$
Notice that $L$ is anti-Hermitian, as the commutator of two Hermitian operators. Thus it generates a group of unitary operators. So far so good, this is good news, but it postpones the question of well-posedness to the next corrector.
Thus let us consider the composition
for small $t>0$. Zassenhaus' formula gives us the next term. This product should behave as $e^{\frac16R}$ where
Remark that $Q$ is a second-order operator.
My guess, or my advice, is that for the product $ST$ to be well-defined, it is necessary that $Q$ generates a semi-group of bounded operators. In particular, the principal symbol of $Q$ should be negative semi-definite. Since the principal part is
this necessary condition is that $f$ be convex.
Remark that this convexity may be annoying, because we have to postmultiply by $e^{tf}$, which will not be a bounded operator over $L^2$, unless $f$ is constant. But you could have a good result by replacing $L^2$ by a weighted $L^2$-space in your analysis.