Let $C$ be a convex shape in the plane. Your task is to cover the plane with copies of $C$, each under any rigid motion. My question is essentially: What is the worst $C$, the shape that forces the most wasteful overlap?
To be more precise, assume $C$ has unit area. Let $n_C(A)$ be the fewest copies of $C$ (under any rigid motions) that suffice to cover a disk of area $A$. I seek the $C$ that maximizes the "waste": $$ w(C) = \lim_{A \to \infty} n_C(A) / A \;.$$ So if $C$ is a perfect tiler of the plane, then $\lim_{A \to \infty} n_C(A) = A$ (because $C$ has area $1$) and $w(C)=1$, i.e., no waste.
Consider a regular pentagon $P$, which cannot tile the plane. Here is one way to cover the plane with regular pentagons:
If I've calculated correctly, this arrangement shows that $w(P) \le 1.510$. So one could cover an area $A=100$ with about $151$ unit-area regular pentagons, a $51$% waste. I doubt this is the best way to cover the plane with copies of $P$ (Q3 below), but it is one way.
Three questions.
Q1. Is it known that the disk is the worst shape $C$ to cover the plane? My understanding is that L.F.Tóth's paper[1], which I have not accessed, establishes this for lattice tilings/coverings. Is it known for arbitrary coverings?
Q1 Answered. Thanks to several, and especially Yoav Kallus, for pointing me in the right direction. Q1 remains an open problem. In [2,p.15], what I call the waste of a convex body $C$ is called $\theta(C)$. It is about $1.209$ for a disk. The best upperbound is $\theta(C) \le 1.228$ due to Dan Ismailescu, based on finding special tiling "p-hexagons" in $C$. A p-hexagon has two opposite, parallel edges of the same length.
Q2. Since every triangle, and every quadrilateral, tiles the plane, the first interesting polygonal shape is pentagons. What is the most wasteful pentagon?
Q3. More specifically, what is the waste $w(P)$ for the regular pentagon?
[1] L. Fejes Tóth, "Lagerungen in der Ebene auf der Kugel und im Raum." Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften Vol. 65. Springer-Verlag, 1972. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-65234-9
[2] Brass, Peter, William OJ Moser, and János Pach. Research Problems in Discrete Geometry. Springer Science & Business Media, 2006.