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John Rognes
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
6 votes

Classifying the endofunctors of the category $\Delta$ of finite linear orders

6 votes

Relation between cohomology operations and the Adams spectral sequence

6 votes

Loop-space functor on cohomology

5 votes

Is there an ∞-categorical interpretation of the Quillen S⁻¹S construction?

5 votes

Group completion of a monoid (braid groups)

5 votes

Does a complex-oriented $E_1$ ring spectrum (not assumed to have graded-commutative homotopy groups) receive a map from $MU$?

5 votes

Definition of S-reducibility and reducibility of a space

5 votes

What is the intuitive difference between these two simplicial subdivision functors?

5 votes

nonhausdorff dimension

5 votes

Question concerning h-cobordisms

5 votes

Why does the map $BG\to A(*)$ fail to split?

5 votes

The kernel of the natural map $\pi_k(BU(r)) \to \pi_k (BU)$

5 votes

Attaching an ideal whose square is zero: does this operation have a name and a notation?

5 votes

Reference request: Goodwillie tower of the identity

5 votes

Torsion In $K$ theory on simply connected manifolds

5 votes

Is there a fibration sequence of spectra $K\mathbb{F}_q\to KU\to KU$?

5 votes

Descent properties of topological Hochschild homology

4 votes

Injectivity of assembly in A-theory for $BC_2 = \mathbb R P^\infty$ in degree $4$

4 votes

Künneth spectral sequence for cohomology of chain complexes of $R$-modules

4 votes

Which maps of simplicial sets geometrically realize to fibrations?

4 votes

Strong convergence of whole-plane spectral sequences

4 votes

Has anyone seen a nice map of multiplicative cohomology theories?

4 votes

When does a map in the stable homotopy group gets killed when smashed with cone of itself?

4 votes

Homology of braid groups and loop spaces

4 votes

Explicit description of the right adjoint

4 votes

What is $TP(\mathbb{Z}_p)$?

4 votes

Identifying $d_1$ in the Atiyah-Hirzebruch-Serre spectral sequence

3 votes

Numerator in the zeta values at negative odd integers

3 votes

Defining homotopy via endofunctors of a simplicial category

3 votes

Multiplicativity of the homology Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for a ring spectrum